The Final Message


The Forceful (Al-Qawee)

The Forceful (Al-Qawee) Al-Qawee (The Forceful) is one of the Attributes of ALLAH. It means “One Who Possess Energy.” If once we confess that ALLAH is Forceful and / or Powerful. Than it becomes obligatory on our part to consider the creation as a whole powerless. May they be living things or non-living, spirits (Jinn),...


Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah

Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah We shall have to refer to the often rending of the mystics (Sufis) in order to enhance the aforementioned statement the mystical quotation is: Only those can attain the status of “Baqa Billah” who had already passed through “Fana Fillah” i.e. are completely immersed in the Attributes of ALLAH. In...

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