The Final Message

Aziz’s Reflections

This topic Aziz’s Reflections is one of the important topics, explained in the Holy Qur’an THE SUSTAINER (Ar-Razzaq): The Aziz’s Reflections, it has already been mentioned that the understanding of the two Attributes of ALLAH “ELAH” and ‘Rabb’ is the realization of a particular state. Quite un-expressible in words. One can, no doubt feels it but can’t express it. Certainly, it is bestowed upon us form ALLAH but with the means of the Holy Books – at present the Holy Qur’an. O people of the Book! (Be considerate that the Holy Qur’an is also a Book, rather at present it...

Testimonies And Verifications:

NUH: Nuh invited people towards ‘Ar-Rabb’ (The Sustainer) NUH Testimonies And Verifications towards ‘Ar-Rabb’ He said, “O my people! There is no error in me; on the contrary! Am a Messenger from the ‘Rabb’ and Cherisher of the Worlds!” “I but convey to you” the message of my ‘Rabb’ sincere is my advice to you, and I know from ALLAH something that you know not. Do you wonder that there has come to you a reminder from your ‘Rabb’ through a man of your own people, to warn you, so that you may fear ALLAH and haply receive His Mercy?...


ALLAH IS THE ONLY “RABB” ITS NECESSITY IMPORTANCE this is one of the topics in which it proved that ALLAH is the only RABB, the Sustainer. To keep the importance of this into consideration, the Holy Qur’an has used the word ‘Rabb’ 980 times; ALLAH is the ‘Rabb’ (Sustainer) of the Worlds 40 times, the ‘Rabb’ of the Throne of Honor six times.The Holy Qur’an introduces ALLAH with the mention of ‘Rabb’ as follows: ‘Rabb’ of the Dawn. Verses from the Holy Quran Al-Falaq-4 The ‘Rabb’ of the Mighty Throne Verses from the Holy Quran Al-Muninun-86 ‘Rabb’ of the Throne...


ALLAH IS THE ONLY “RABB” ITS NECESSITY IMPORTANCE It is established that ALLAH is the only “RABB” in the universe. But now this is to prove from the Holy Quran that “ALLAH is the Only “RABB” its Necessity Importance” To keep the importance of this into consideration, the Holy Qur’an has used the word ‘Rabb’ 980 times. ALLAH is the ‘Rabb’ (Sustainer) of the Worlds 40 times, the ‘Rabb’ of the Throne of Honor six times. The Holy Qur’an introduces ALLAH with the mention of ‘Rabb’ as follows: ‘Rabb’ of the Dawn. Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Falaq-4 The ‘Rabb’...

ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb”

ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb” ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb” that is He is the only Sustainer in the whole universe. This is fact is proved by the Holy Qur’an and this is provided in this topic i.e., ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb”. Actual discussion on the topic starts from the below paragraph. Without the least bit of doubt, salvation depends upon the clear-cut understanding of the Norm “ALLAH is the only Sustainer.” Each and every one declares it most frequently. But very few of us understand its significance and those who were living...

No One Can Create Nothing:

No One Can Create Nothing This topic is on “No One Can Create Nothing” as explained and clarified in the Holy Qur’an. Actually, the topic “No One Can Create Nothing” starts from the paragraph given below: The primary condition for faith is to deny all such attribution in anyone assigned to ALLAH. Through the Holy Qur’an otherwise polytheism is apt to be there. If such a claim is made, one goes astray and joins betrayed people. Yet have they taken, besides Him, gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to...

Creation Of the Universe:

Creation of the Universe. This topic is on how the Creation of the Universe took place as given in the Holy Qur’an. Actually, the topic creation of the Universe starts from the paragraph given below: Matter is a form of energy; therefore, the material universe exists due to Energy. When the universe has not come into being, Energy was there. We cannot think of a period devoid of it. Do you think it belongs to Blind Nature? If it belonged to a Dead, Blind, Deaf and lifeless nature, then how it became possible for Him to give birth to such...

The Forceful (Al-Qawee)

The Forceful (Al-Qawee) Al-Qawee (The Forceful) is one of the Attributes of ALLAH. It means “One Who Possess Energy.” If once we confess that ALLAH is Forceful and / or Powerful. Than it becomes obligatory on our part to consider the creation as a whole powerless. May they be living things or non-living, spirits (Jinn), human beings, Angels or Satan. In short whatsoever is created is not weak but powerless. “If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the punishment; that to ALLAH belongs all the power.” Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah – 169 “Whatsoever ALLAH wills...

The Creator is Opposite to the Creation

The Creator is Opposite to the Creation, in short means that the creator. It means ALLAH the Creator is opposite to the creation i.e. the Universe HE created. This includes human being also. In short HE is the force and rest every thing is forceless. In fact the creation is invariably never a part of the creator; rather it is just the opposite of it. They stand in contrast to each other. If one is truth the other is falsehood. One is Alive the other is dead. Creator is Seer and Creation is blind (i.e. One is Seer the other...

Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah

Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah We shall have to refer to the often rending of the mystics (Sufis) in order to enhance the aforementioned statement the mystical quotation is: Only those can attain the status of “Baqa Billah” who had already passed through “Fana Fillah” i.e. are completely immersed in the Attributes of ALLAH. In case it being true, even then half of it seems to be true and meaningful. As for “Baqa” all the human beings will attain it. Even the unbelievers are not an exception, but in that portion of the Attributes whose manifestation is the burning fire...

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