The Final Message


Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer

For the sake of simplicity that Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer. It will be easy to define it as administrator or executor or Sustainer. The intensive study of the Holy Qur’an brings forth the attribute ‘ELAH’ of ALLAH in the forefront. Because He only has the ability to do work. He has done the work and...


Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body

What are Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body This topic explains the different between the three different items “Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body” as explained in the Holy Qur’an. Please refer to the following verses, where ‘Ruh’ (Soul) has been described as “Command of the ‘Rabb’ (Nuhl-2, Mumin-15, and Shura-52). The verses quoted above...


Me or They

The Topic Me or They Me or They is also one of the topic covered in the books written by Syed Aziz-ur-Rehman Badshah. This topic Me or They is that Allah is asking that who you are going to count on. Me or They. i.e., Allah or they. As I pointed out a very delicate...

La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah

To Feel One’s Self Close to Allah

This topic “To Feel One’s Self Close to Allah” is one of the topics from book “Allah The Cherisher”. Written by Syed Aziz-ur-Rehman Badshah. The topic was initially in Urdu language, and later translated in English by Mr. Fateh-ul-Milk. No doubt, ALLAH is near to human beings a statement having no parallel. On the other...

La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah

Easily Understandable Part of Kalima

Easily Understandable Part of Kalima This is the Kalima i.e. “La Elha ElAllah” there is no God except Allah. There is an Easy Understandable Part of Kalima. In this part we will discuss this easy part of the Kalima. Starting from the Newton’s first law of motion. Newton’s first law of motion consists of two...

La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah


Faith in Allah (God) does not mean that one should only believe in ALLAH. Also faith in ALLAH does not mean to accept the ALLAH is the Creator of every thing in the universe. In order to put one’s self on the right path, it is not enough simply to believe in ALLAH. Even it...

The Meaning of ELAH

The Meaning of ELAH

The Meaning of Elah to to affirm that “There is no ‘ELAH’ except ALLAH”. This is so important that in the absence of it one cannot gain the favor of ALLAH. The acquisition of eternal pleasure is impossible, so it is important to specify and know the meaning of ‘ELAH’. After all, we must clearly...


The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah)

The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah) , that is, There is no GOD Except ALLAH the Al-Mighty. This topic “The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah (There is no GOD Except ALLAH the Al-Mighty))”. The topic was written by Syed Aziz-ur Rehman Badsha (Late) in URDU language. Than translated by my uncle Fateh – ul –...

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