The Final Message

The Final Message The Holy Quran

About Para wise The Holy Qur’an – Arabic Language. QURAN MUALIM uploaded all pages of the Holy Qur’an – Arabic Language in JPG format. For more details about Qur’an Muslim; clicking of the link 

All the JPG format pages are converted PDF Format. Relevant pages were combined to Para wise, i.e., 30 Paras of the Holy Qur’an – Arabic Language.

Listed below are the 30 – Paras of The Holy Qur’an – Arabic Language. This column represents the Para Number, Second Column is for the Para Title in English, whereas the Third shown the Para Title in Arabic. The Fourth column shows the meaning of the Para Title and finally Fifth one is the link to either recite The Qur’an – Arabic Language or Download the PDF file for Free.

Also pray for all who have put their efforts and permission granted for providing data for uploading in this website.

Para #

Title of the Para

Meaning of The Title

Action Button

Para 01


Only ALLAH knows its meaning

Para 1 – Alif laam meem(آلم ) (meaning: Only ALLAH knows its meaning)

It is the first Para of the Holy Qur’an. It has two Surahs – Surah Al Fatiha, and Surah Al Baqarah. Surah Fatiha, revealed in Makkah, explains the basic principles of the Holy Qur’an.  The second Surah is Baqarah, revealed in Madina, the Surah explains the mistakes of the followers of the earlier Prophets. Surah Baqarah also explains social and moral relations.

Para 02


Will (they) say

Para 2 – Sayaqulu (سَيَقُولُ) (meaning: Will (they) say)

The second Para of the Holy Qur’an is Sayaqulu. This Para is the continuity of the Surah Al Baqarah.

Para 03

Tilka ’r-Rusulu

Lan Tana Lu

Para 3 – Tilka r Rusulu (meaning: These are the Messengers)

The third Para of the Holy Qur’an is Tilka r Rasulu (These are the Messengers). The Para has two Surahs. (1) Remaining or end part of the Surah Al Baqarah and (2) Surah Al Imran. Surah Al Imran, revealed in Madna, explains the nature of Hazrat Isa (RA) and faith of Muslims in Allah, the battle of Uhud – between Quewah e Makkah and the Muslims.

Para 04

Add Your Heading Text Here

You will not get

Para 4 – Lan Tana Loo (meaning: You will not get)

The fourth Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para also has two Surahs. (1) Remaining or end part of the Surah Al Imran and (2) Surah An Nissa. Surah An Nissa, revealed in Madina, addresses the rights of women in society, shares in wealth distributions, race between men and women. An Nissa also explains the roll of women in family issues.

Para 05


And prohibited are the ones who are married

Para 5- Wal Mohsanat (meaning: And prohibited are the ones who are married)

The fifth Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has only one Surah i.e., the Surah An Nissa.

Para 06

Lā yuḥibbu-’llāhu

ALLAH does not like

Para 6 – La Yahubbullah (meaning: ALLAH does not like)

Th sixth Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has Two Surahs. (1) End part of Surah An Nissa in this Para and (2) Surah Al Maidah, revealed in Madina. This Surah Al Maidah explains how jews and Christians bring changes in the original text of the Holy book Injeel. 

Para 07

Wa ’Idha Samiʿū

And when they hear

Para 7 – Wa Iza Samiu (meaning: And when they hear)

The 7th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs. (1) The end part of Surah Al Maida. (2) Surah Al Inaam, revealed in Makkah, begins in this Para. This Surah Al Inaam explains the oneness of Allah Almighty, the character of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and the misconceptions about the animals before Islam.

Para 08

Wa-law annanā

And (even) if (that) we had

Para 8 – Wa Lau Annana (meaning: And (even) if (that) we had)

The 8th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs (1) The end of Surah Al Inaam. (2) Surah Al Araf, revealed in Makkah, begins in this Para. This Surah Al Araf explains why the Prophets were send by Allah Almighty to the nations. This Surah Al Araf also give details about the punishment of the people who disagree with Allah’s message.

Para 09

Qāla ’l-mala’u

Said the chiefs (eminent ones)

Para 9 – Qalal Malao (meaning: Said the chiefs (eminent ones))

This is the 9th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs (1) The end of Surah Al Araf. (2) Surah Al Anfal, revealed in Manina), starts in this Para. Surah Al Anfal explains the event of the battle of Badar and its outcomes.

Para 10


And (you) know

Para 10 – Wa A’lamu (meaning: And (you) know)

This is the 10th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs. (1) The Surah Al Anfal ends in this Para. (2) Surah Tauba starts in it. Surah Tauba is the only Surah of the Holy Qur’an which does not start with the Bismillah. The main theme of the Surah is the war. It also discusses the issues of those people who cannot stick to faith.

Para 11

And (you) know

Only the way (for blame)

Para 11 – Yatazeroon (meaning: Only the way (for blame))

This is the 11th Para of the Holy book. This Para has three Surahs. (1) The Surah Tauba ends in this Para. (2) Surah Younis, revealed in Makkah. This Surah Younis describes the fundamentals of Islam and teaching of Prophets before the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). (3) The second Surah of Para 11 is Surah Hud, revealed also in Makkah. This Surah Hud explains the events of early Prophets and also how Allah implements HIS command through the Prophets.

Para 12

Wa mā min dābbatin

And there is no creature

Para 12 – Wa Mamin Da’abat (meaning: And there is no creature)

This is the 12th Para of the Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs (1) The ending of Surah Hud in this Para.  (2) Surah Yusaf, revealed in Makkah. This life and preaching of Prophet Yousaf (AS) are explained in this Surah Yousaf.

Para 13

Wa mā ubarri’u

And I do not acquit

Para 13 – Wa Ma Ubiroo (meaning: And I do not acquit)

This is the 13th Para of the Qur’an. This Para has three Surahs. (1) End of the The Surah Yusaf. (2) Surah Raad, revealed in Madina. (3) Surah Ibrahim, revealed in Makkah.

Para 14

Alīf-Lām-Rā’/ Rubamā


Para 14 – Alīf-Lām-Rā’/ Rubamā (meaning: Unknown)

This is the 14th Para Alīf-Lām-Rā’/ Rubama of the Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs (1) Surah Hijar, revealed in Makkah and (2) Surah Nahl, also revealed in Makkah.

Para 15

Subḥāna ’lladhī

Exalted is the One (ALLAH) is who

Para 15 – Subhanallahzi (Exalted is the One (ALLAH) is who)

This is the 15th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs. (1) Surah Al Isra, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah Al Kahf, also revealed in Makkah.

Para 16

Qāla ’alam

He (Al-Khidr) said: Did not

Para 16 – Qāla ’alam (meaning: He (Al-Khidr) said: Did not)

This is the 16th Para of the Qur’an. This Para has three Surahs. (1) End of the Surah Kahf. (2) Surah Maryam, revealed in Makkah. The Surah Maryam describes the complete history of Madam Maryam (AS) and the Prophet Musa (AS). (3) Surah Taha, also revealed in Makkah.

Para 17

Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi

Has (the time of) approached for Mankind (people)

Para 17 – Iqtaraba li’n-nāsi (meaning: Has (the time of) approached for Mankind (people))

This is the 17th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has two Surahs. (1) Surah Al Anbiya, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah Al Hajj, revealed in Madina.

Para 18

Qad ’aflaḥa

Indeed (Certainly) successful

Para 18 – Qad ’aflaḥa (meaning: Indeed (Certainly) successful)

This is the 18th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has three Surahs. (1) Surah Al Muminoon, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah Al Furqan, revealed in Madina and (3) Surah Al Noor, also revealed in Madina.

Para 19

Wa-qāla ’lladhīna

And said those who

Para 19 – Wa-qāla ’lladhīna (meaning: And said those who)

This is the 19th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has three Surahs. (1) Surah Al Furqan, started in Para 18th ends in this Para. (2) Surah Al Shu’ara, revealed in Makkah and (3) Surah Al Namal, revealed in Maddina.

Para 20

’A’man Khalaqa

Is He Who created…

Para 20 – ’A’man Khalaqa (meaning: Is He Who created…)

This is the 20th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para consists of three Surahs. (1) End part of Surah Al Namal. (2) Al Qasas, revealed in Makkah and (3) Surah Al Ankaboot. Also revealed in Makkah.

Para 21

Otlu ma oohiya

Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you

Para 21 – Otlu ma oohiya (meaning: Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you)

This is the 21st Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has four Surahs. (1) Surah Ar Room, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah Luqmaan, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah As Sajda, revealed in Makkah. (4) Surah Al Ahzaab, revealed in Madinah.

Para 22

Wa-man yaqnut

And whoever is obedient (devoutly obeys)

Para 22 – Wa-man yaqnut (meaning: And whoever is obedient (devoutly obeys)

This is the 22nd Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para also consists of four Surahs. (1) Surah Al Ahzaab, revealed in Madinah. (2) Surah Saba, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah Faatir, revealed in Makkah. And (4) Surah Yaseen, revealed in Makkah.

Para 23


And what happened to me

Para 23 – Wa-Mali (meaning: And what happened to me)

This is the 23rd Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has four Surahs. (1) End part of Surah Yaseen. (2) Surah As Saaffaat, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah Saad, revealed in Makkah. And (4) Surah Az Zumar, revealed in Makkah.

Para 24

Fa-man ’aẓlamu

So who is more unjust

Para 24 – Fa-man ’aẓlamu (meaning: So who is more unjust)

This is the 24th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para consists of three Surahs. (1) End part of Surah Az Zumar, (2) Surah Ghafir, revealed in Makkah. And (3) Surah fussilat, revealed in Makkah.

Para 25

Ilayhi yuraddu

To Him (ALLAH) alone is attributed

Para 25 – Ilayhi yuraddu (meaning: To Him (ALLAH) alone is attributed)

This is the 25th Para of the Holy Qur’an. The Para is comprised of five Surahs. (1) End part of Surah Fussilat, (2) Surah Ash Shooraa, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah Az Zukhruf, revealed in Makkah. (4) Surah Ad Dukhaan, revealed in Makkah. And (5) Surah Al Jathiyaa, revealed in Makkah.

Para 26

Ḥā’ Mīm

Known to ALLAH or Ha Meem

Para 26 – Ḥā’ Mīm (meaning: Known to ALLAH or Ha Meem)

This is the 26th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has five Surahs. (1) Surah Al Ahqaaf, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah Muhammad, revealed in Madinah. (3) Surah Al Fath, revealed in Madinah. (4) Surah Al Hujuraat, revealed in Madinah. And (5) Surah Qaaf, revealed in Makkah.

Para 27

Qāla fa-mā khaṭbukum

He (Ibrahim A.S.) said: "Then what is your business (mission) here"

Para 27 – Qāla fa-mā khaṭbukum (meaning: He (Ibrahim A.S.) said: “Then what is your business (mission) here”)

This is the 27th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has seven Surahs. (1) Surah Adh Dhaariyaat, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah At Toor, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah Al Najm, revealed in Makkah. (4) Surah Al Qamar, revealed in Makkah. (5) Surah Ar Rehman, revealed in Madniha. (6) Surah Al Waqia, revealed in Makkah. And (7) Surah Al Hadeed, revealed in Madinah.

Para 28

Qad samiʿa ’llāhu

Indeed has ALLAH heard

Para 28 – Qad samiʿa ’llāhu (meaning: Indeed has ALLAH heard)

This is the 28th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has nine Surahs. (1) Surah Al Mujadila, revealed in Madniha. (2) Surah Al Hashr, revealed in Madinah. (3) Surah Al Mumtahanah, revealed in Madinah. (4) Surah As Saff, revealed in Madinah. (5) Surah Al Jumu’ah, revealed in Madinah. (6) Surah Al Munafiqoon, revealed in Madinah. (7) Surah At Taghabun, revealed in Madinah. (8) Surah At Talaq, revealed in Madinah. And (9) Surah At Tehreem, revealed in Madinah.

Para 29

Tabāraka ’lladhī

Blessed is He (ALLAH)

Para 29 – Tabāraka ’lladhī (meaning: Blessed is He (ALLAH)

This is the 29th Para of the Holy Qur’an. This Para has eleven Surahs. (1) Surah Al mulk, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah Al Qalam, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah Al Haaqqa, revealed in Makkah. (4) Surah Al Ma’aarij, revealed in Makkah. (5) Surah Nooh, revealed in Makkah. (6) Surah Al Jinn, revealed in Makkah. (7) Surah Al Muzzammil, revealed in Makkah. (8) Surah Al Muddaththir, revealed in Makkah. (9) Surah Al Qiyamah, revealed in Makkah. (10) Surah Al Insaan, revealed in Midniha. And (11) Surah Al Musalaat, revealed in Makkah.

Para 30


About what

Para 30 – ‘Amma (meaning: About what)  

This is the 30th and Final Para of the Holy Qur’an.  This Para has the last thirty-seven Surahs. (1) Surah An Naba, revealed in Makkah. (2) Surah An Naazi’aat, revealed in Makkah. (3) Surah Abasa, revealed in Makkah. (4) Surah At Takweer, revealed in Makkah. (5) Surah Al Infitar, revealed in Makkah. (6) Surah Al Mutaffiffen, revealed in Makkah. (7) Surah Al Inshiqaaq, revealed in Makkah. (8) Surah Al Burooj, revealed in Makkah. (9) Surah At Tariq, revealed in Makkah. (10) Surah A’laa, revealed in Makkah. (11) Surah Al Ghaashiyah, revealed in Makkah. (12) Surah Al Fajr, revealed in Makkah. (13) Surah Al Balad, revealed in Makkah. (14) Surah Ash Shams, revealed in Makkah. (15) Surah Al Layl, revealed in Makkah. (16) Surah Ad duha, revealed in Makkah. (17) Surah Ash Sharh, revealed in Makkah. (18) Surah At Teen, revealed in Makkah. (19) Surah Al Alaq, revealed in Makkah. (20) Surah Al Qadr, revealed in Makkah. (21) Surah Al Bayyinahh, revealed in Madinah. (22) Surah Az Zalzalah, revealed in Madinah. (23) Surah Al Aadiyaat, revealed in Makkah. (24) Surah Al Qaariah, revealed in Makkah. (25) Surah At Takathur, revealed in Makkah. (26) Surah Al Asr, revealed in Makkah. (27) Surah Al Humaza, revealed in Makkah. (28) Surah Al Feel, revealed in Makkah. (29) Surah Quraysh, revealed in Makkah. (30) Surah Al Maa’oon, revealed in Makkah. (31) Surah Al Kawthar, revealed in Makkah. (32) Surah Al Kaafiroon, revealed in Makkah. (33) Surah An Nasr, revealed in Madinah. (34) Surah Al Masad, revealed in Makkah. (35) Surah Al Ikhlaas, revealed in Makkah. (36) Surah Al Falaq, revealed in Makkah. And (37) Surah Al Naas, revealed in Makkah.

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