The Final Message

The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah)

Bismillah Two Colors
Bismillah Two Colors

The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah) , that is, There is no GOD Except ALLAH the Al-Mighty. This topic “The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah (There is no GOD Except ALLAH the Al-Mighty))”. The topic was written by Syed Aziz-ur Rehman Badsha (Late) in URDU language. Than translated by my uncle Fateh – ul – Mulk to English.

I am putting some text from the topic under consideration, and also put some Qur’an quotations. If you like the top and its material than download the PDF format file to read the full topic. However if someone needs the printed copy they can contact me.

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About this Word ALLAH Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

“See you not how ALLAH sets forth a parable? A goodly Word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens, it brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Rabb2 so ALLAH sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.”

Verses From the Holy Quran (IBRAHIIM 24-25)

That is why, this WORD of ALLAH hold central place among all the true religions. Since Hadrat Adam till Hadrat Muhammad. This is the WORD which marks the boundary between rejection and faith.

And according to ALLAH Almighty, it will remain eternal. Each period of human history produces such distinct persons. Who preserve its freshness and fertility so that the humanity gets the benefit of its fruit.

The Prophet Noah was sent with the same WORD to preach to his people. 

“And certainly, we sent Noah to his people; he said, “O my people Worship ALLAH! You have no other ‘ELAH’ but Him. Will you not fear (HIM)?”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Al-Muminun-23)

In the subsequent periods after Noah, all the Prophets brought the same message to their people.

“Then We raised after him (Noah) another generation. And We sent to them a messenger from among themselves, (saying) “Worship ALLAH, you have no other ‘ELAH’ but (Him)?”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Al-Muminun-31-32)

The Prophet Hadrat Hud was also sent with the same message. 

“He (Hud) said, “O my people! Worship ALLAH! You have no other ‘ELAH’ but Him. You are only forgers.”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Hud-50)

Hadrat Saleh also invited his people to the same (Kalima) WORD.  

“He (Saleh) said, “O my people! Worship ALLAH; you have no other ‘ELAH’ but Him”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Hud-61)

These are few examples quoted from the topic, click on the link below to download PDF file.

Please keep in mind that there is no copyrights. The only copyright is not to make changes in order and working of this topic.

If someone want to translate The Meaning of La Ealha ElAllah to other language. There is no issue, but they should not include any working or lines from themselves.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Also Explains it Meaning

And the Holy Prophet Muhammad was made to enunciate the Word that there is none to serve except ALLAH as follows

Say; “ALLAH sufficieth me; there is no ‘ELAH’ but He on Him is my trust, He the ‘Rabb’ of the Throne Supreme.”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Al-Tanba-129)  

Say; “He is my ‘Rabb’! There is no ‘ELAH’ but He! On him is my trust, and to Him do I turn!”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Al-Rad-30)

Meaning Explained by ALLAH Almighty Himself

ALLAH Almighty Himself wants to make mankind understand this fact, with great emphasis, the meaning of La Ealha ElAllah

“Know therefore, that there is no ‘ELAH’ but ALLAH”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Muhammad-19)

“ALLAH! There is no ‘ELAH’ but He, the living, and the self-subsisting.”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Al-Baqarah-255)

“And your ‘ELAH’ is one ‘ELAH’; there is no ‘ELAH’ but He, The Rehman, The Rahim”

Verses From the Holy Quran (AL-Bqarah-163)

 “Say; “O men! I am sent unto you all, as the Messenger of ALLAH, to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; there is no ‘ELAH’ but He; it is He that gives both life and death. So believe in ALLAH and His Messenger. The unlettered Prophet, who believes in ALLAH and His Words; follow him that (so) you may be guided,”

Verses From the Holy Quran (Al-Naml-58)

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The Meaning of (La Ealha ElAllah)

(There is no GOD Except ALLAH the Al-Mighty)

Anchor Business Consultant

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