The Final Message

ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb”

Bismillah Two Colors
Bismillah Two Colors

ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb”

ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb” that is He is the only Sustainer in the whole universe. This is fact is proved by the Holy Qur’an and this is provided in this topic i.e.,

ALLAH And Only ALLAH Is The “Rabb”. Actual discussion on the topic starts from the below paragraph.

Without the least bit of doubt, salvation depends upon the clear-cut understanding of the Norm “ALLAH is the only Sustainer.”

Each and every one declares it most frequently. But very few of us understand its significance and those who were living with it had passed away.

Those who are living with it, beyond doubt, deserves paradise. Whoever they are, where do they live and whatsoever are their deeds.

But remember, only the believers in the right sense of the word and virtuous can occupy this high position. Not the most often heard orators reciting the frequently rendered phrase (Sadaq ALLAH –ul- Azeem). But those who accept the “Kalam of ALLAH” with the depth of their hearts. Because the utterance of ALLAH is at the height of rightfulness
and justice.

Distinguished Personality

To single out such a distinguished personality, he considers whole heartedly. Even the minutest action, deed, struggle or performance of whatsoever nature it may be directly from ALLAH – The Almighty.

He puts fourth his life and possessions at the disposal of ALLAH. And himself feels pleased to be in His hands. ALLAH neither likes to adopt not to withdraw from any activity ALLAH ordained for him.

He is always self-contended. His exposure to the happenings in the turns towards ALLAH to forgive him.

Because to him this being a state of non-cooperation or disobedience to the decree of ALLAH.

As to why he adopts this attitude is because of the One Who issues orders for its fulfillment. And remember whatsoever He does is always good and for the benefit of all of us.

It is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But ALLAH knows, and you know not.

Verses from Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah-216

Such a person fully satisfied always hears the consoling voice of His “Rabb” in these words:

“O Self (Naf.s) fully satisfied. Come back you to your ‘Rabb’, well pleased (yourself) and well – pleasing unto Him! Enter you, then among My Devotees! Yea, enter you, my Heavens.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Fajr-27-30

‘ELAH’ and Ar-Rabb:

One Who has ability to do work is ‘ELAH’. And to execute the activities is beyond doubt the realm of One Who has the energy to do so.

So, these two attributes co-exist i.e., ‘ELAH’ and only ‘ELAH’ is the Sustainer (Ar-Rabb). And definitely “The Sustainer” is ‘ELAH’ i.e. what is “ArRabb”?

The One Whose ceaseless observation is the Doer ‘ELAH’. If one says, (there is no ‘ELAH’ except ALLAH) or declares ALLAH to be the sole sustainer. He acknowledges one and the same truth.

That is why ALLAH Himself, His prophets and messengers consider. There is no ‘ELAH’ except ALLAH for the salvation. They put much more stress in the dictum “ALLAH is the sole sustainer.”

One who feels the presence of a single Administrator, Executor and Boss at a ceaseless work is no doubt a person satisfied and successful.

In the case of those who say, “Our Rabb is ALLAH, and further stand straight and steadfast, the angels descend on them:

“Fear you not!” nor grieve! But receive the Glad Tidings of the Garden Which you were promised!

We are your protector in this life and in the Hereafter: therein shall you have all that you shall desire: therein shall you have all that you ask for!

A hospitable gift from One oft-Forgiving, most Merciful!”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Hamim Sijda- 30-32

Verily those who say. “Our Rabb is ALLAH,” and remain firm (no that path) for them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

Such shall be Companions of the Garden, dwelling therein, a recompense for their deeds.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ahqaf-13-14

Such are they from whom We shall accept the best of their deeds and pass by their ill deeds. (They shall be) among the companions of the Garden, a promise of Truth, which was made to them.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ahqaf-16

One who believes in the above verses of the Holy Qur’an practically and bears a strong testimony to the aforementioned statements will be among those fortunate ones who will enter paradise without accountability.

Who will be more fortunate enough than this group of staunch believers. The life of this mortal world is sharing deception.

Someone like pharaoh consider himself to be the chief administrator. The other look upon their pious elders as their sustainers and in the extreme case a person is put upon the chair as a sovereign ruler. Who in return in a deception consider himself with the vested authority. In such a way they unknowingly share the Supreme Rule of ALLAH.

Division into Different Sects

Divided into different sects they do the same thing. To consider The Sun, wealth, Murshid as their sustainers (Ar-Rabb) in the similar way as do the idolaters.

And most of them believe not in ALLAH without associating (others as partners) with Him!

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yusuf-106

Our daily observations have brought certain curtail and undeniable facts into notice just like daylight.

Worldly life is nothing apart from a deception. It is sharing stupidity to accept a phenomenon as it comes into sight. If fact men of intellect, consider it quite wrong or just the opposite.

For example, the earth looks flat but actually it is oval shaped, and its appearance is the most deceptive one.

The earth revolves round the sun, rotates on its axis and move along its galaxy with a tremendous speed. But in our observation, it is quite stationary.

To consider it at a standstill is an ignorance today.

The Sun appears to us to move from east to west. Although it looks so on account of the motion of earth from west to east.

In fact, the objects seem to us in different colors are colorless at all.

Actually, it is the very red color which the red rose reflects. And does not accept it and we call it a red rose.

When an object does not absorb a color and reflects it altogether. We consider it a color of it, because it appears in all brightness. So, the sun, stars, moon rather all the celestial bodies, are never visible at their exact location, the place they
occupy in our sight is the very reflection of them billions of years back.

In case of their destruction, they will look to us with full brightness for billions of years.

The Priceless Air

The air is priceless things for us because it is available free.

We cannot think of more precious commodity than air-apart from light (Noor). Because unlike other things it is not a material commodity.

If the air has not enveloped the atmosphere around the earth and we were supposed to buy it for breathing. Then without a least doubt, we might not be able to purchase it.

If the pearls and precious diamonds are broken to pieces or completely vanish away from the surface of the earth. The living and non-living things will be least effected or to be more correct it will have no effect at all.

In short, there are lots of such events scattered in the universe for proving the futility and false picture of the worldly riches for men of understanding.

In order to attain salvation, one will have to avoid all such deceptive measures, though living in it. To achieve the target – “ALLAH and only ALLAH is the sustainer (Ar-Rabb)” A problem to solve.

A Problem

Let’s try to find a solution for the following problem.

A ladder 12 feet long with thirteen steps at a distance of one foot apart is hanging from a ship anchored in the sea.

All of a sudden, a huge tide rises in the sea and its surface rises at the rate of one foot per hour in how much time the
third step, counting from below, will touch the water?

You will receive a number of different answers from certain persons.

The foolish will take no interest in the solution of the problem.

Their answer will be blank refusal to think over it.

Some will say that they are not at all interested in arithmetic, therefore, they will take no part in the game.

Such person can never face hardship or find a suitable and proper solution for daily happenings.

They are spending an animal life. Someone will try their best to solve the problem orally or by actual calculation. If they make no mistake in computing, their answer will be two hours or 120 minutes.

They took it at its very face and failed to probe into the nature of such phenomenon.

Therefore, such persons can become good engineers, doctors’ lawyers, etc.

They know but the outer (things) in the life of this world: but of the Hereafter they are heedless.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ar-Rum-7

The Answer

The most intelligent one will answer that it could never happen, because as the surface of the water rises, the ship will also rise with it.

The last step will constantly touch the surface of water.

This is the correct answer, and this gentleman deserves the prize reward.

Mere assertion of the statement One and Only One ALLAH is the Ar-‘Rabb’ or (Sustainer) can bring no practical change in the performance of your duties and obligations.

Actually, it is not the utterance but the state in which one lives just as a fish life in water and cannot survive on lard.

To Live in this State

In order to live in this state, one will have to recite and intensively study the Holy Qur’an with a thorough probe and understanding of its meaning, to contemplate in the creation of the universe, to remember ALLAH the day long and lastly to enjoy the sacred, pious and noble company of righteous people, its usual occurrence like the majority of the Muslims is apt to take place and the staunch confessor of it may deny it by character and performance.

The desirous one will have to abide by the above-mentioned conditions till the last gasp of life.

Apart from this decisive conclusion an alternative way does not seem to work at all.

As to why this is difficult to attain such a state.

This worldly life is ornamented with such deceptive and attractive things leading us astray at each and every occasion.

This is a test to differentiate the foolish and the wise.

Won’t be disappointed, because we are not living in the wilderness, where there is no one to guide us.

At the Disposal of ALLAH

We are at the disposal of ALLAH, the Rehman and the Rahim’s Revelation without succession.

It constantly alerts the thirsty to beware of mirage, while crossing a desert, to fall pray in a trap when enjoying the restless and ever busy crowds.

To be on the safe side, must keep ALLAH the Ever-Living Being into consideration.

Be on your alert like a diligent observer to look upon the worldly happenings, incidents and co-incidence as the work of the only “Rabb” for our regular and constant guidance. If you can sort out the hand behind the scenes, you will definitely perceive the only Ar “Rabb” at ceaseless work and you yourself as a constant observer.

The worldly life consists of wealth, wife, children, sports, nourishment, decoration and consecutive search for earning and livelihood. Nothing of these is forbidden. On the other hand,

ALLAH wants us to enjoy it to our heart’s content in the most suitable way.

ALLAH considers wealth as an indispensable commodity for leading a comfortable living. It is incumbent upon us to earn it but in a fair way.

Loving Relation

The loving relation between husband and wife described as a token of love and satisfaction, the rights of wives, their “mehr” divorce and her due share in the property of her husband as heritage are mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in detail.

The offspring as a bounty of ALLAH and the glad tidings of a son to Zakariya in a cheerful way, thus:

(This is) a mention of the Mercy of your ‘Rabb’ to His servant Zakariya.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Maryam-2

The soliciting prayer of children for their parents and parents for their children serve as a source of consolation.

The grant of female, male, and male and female and even its deprivation has been described as His action for the good of all of us.

The nursing of babies with milk with great detail and the rest of domestic happiness and stability are the topics of discussion in Islam.

Abstention from lawful food has been described a satanic imposition and we are instructed to enjoy it to our heart’s content.

The penalty for the restriction of lawful things is the perpetual torment of Hell. The Holy Qur’an asserts it thus:

Say: Who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of ALLAH, which He has produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure for sustenance?

Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment.

Thus, do We explain the signs in detail for those who know.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-A’raf-32

Muslim must always be clean

A Muslim must always be clean, tidy and well-dressed. To attend mosque with clean dress is not only a sign of pity but an obligation too.

O children of Adam! Wear beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer; eat and drink; but waste not by excess, for ALLAH loves not wasters.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-A’raf-31

Sport is not forbidden, otherwise Yaqub would have never allowed his sons to play or have not allowed Yusuf to accompany them.

They said, “O our father! Why do you not trust us with Yusuf (Joseph), seeing we are indeed his sincere well-wishers?”

Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play, and we shall take every care of him.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yusuf-11-12

To earn honest and fair livelihood is a bounty of ALLAH and He has ordained to deal it most honestly, wisely and economically.

It is He Who has made the sea subject, that you may eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and that you may extract there from ornaments to wear; and you see the ships therein that plough the
waves, that you may seek (thus) of the bounty of ALLAH and that you may be grateful.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Nahl-14

He has never ordained unlawful activities, and these are invariably forbidden.

On the other hand, the necessities, comfortable living etc., are the rewards of ALLAH.

Its deprivation is not a good sign at His sight.

To utilize such facilities for the benefit of the humanity is the work of His obedient servants.

The messengers have always addressed the human beings in these wordings:

Then did We grant you victory over them; we gave you increase in resources and sons and made you the more numerous in manpower.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Israa-6

(Hud said) “Yea, fear Him Who has bestowed on you freely all that you know.

Freely has He bestowed on you cattle and sons. And Gardens and springs.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ash-Shu’arra-132-134

(Noah said). He will send rain to you in abundance,

Give you increase in wealth and sons and bestow on you gardens and bestow on your rivers (of flowing water).

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Noah-11-12

Addressing Wrong Doers

The Messengers of ALLAH have always addressed the wrong doers in these words.

Believe in ALLAH, obey me, work righteousness and make no mischief on the earth,

ALLAH will give you increase in wealth and sons;

He will send rain to you in abundance and bestow on you gardens and rivers of following water, etc. on the other hand, for unthankful the calamity of fear and hunger will befall them.

Whatsoever is forbidden from ALLAH is to consider these as an end.

There is no harm in it at all, if we use it as a means for the realization of end – the spending of all these things in His way to attain His pleasure.

It should never block your way to spare time for the intensive study of the Holy Qur’an,

His remembrance and to enjoy the company of those who are striving hard to be busy with ALLAH most of the time.

It is regretful that those who are well-off are short of time to observe the above-mentioned routine.

Rather they consider it deeds of low category and look down upon it. They not only abstain from such performances but rather block the way of those who are inclined to it.

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