The Final Message

No One Can Create Nothing:

No One Can Create Nothing

This topic is on “No One Can Create Nothing” as explained and clarified in the Holy Qur’an. Actually, the topic “No One Can Create Nothing” starts from the paragraph given below:

The primary condition for faith is to deny all such attribution in anyone assigned to ALLAH. Through the Holy Qur’an otherwise polytheism is apt to be there.

If such a claim is made, one goes astray and joins betrayed people.

Yet have they taken, besides Him, gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves: nor can they control Death nor life nor Resurrection.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Furqan-3

Such is the creation of ALLAH. Now show me what is there that others besides Him have created: nay, but the transgressors are in
manifest error.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Luqman-11

Say: Do you see what it is you invoke besides ALLAH? Show me what it is they have Created on earth or have they a share in the heavens?

Bring me a Book (revealed before this, or any remnant of knowledge (you may have), if you are telling the truth!

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ahqaf-4

Those whom they invoke besides ALLAH Create nothing and are themselves Created.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Nahl-20

O men! Remember the grace of ALLAH unto you! Is there a Creator, other than ALLAH, to give you sustenance from heavens or earth?

There is no ‘ELAH’ but He how then are you perverted?

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Fatr-3

O men! Here is a parable set forth. Listen to it!

Those on whom, besides ALLAH, you call, cannot Create (even) a fly, if they all met together for the purpose.

And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from the fly.

Feeble are those who petition and those whom they petition!

They do not have right estimate of ALLAH, for ALLAH is powerful and Mighty.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Haj-73-74

Do they assign to ALLAH partners who have created (anything) as He has Created so that the Creation seemed to them similar?

Say: “ALLAH is the Creator of all things. He is the One, the Supreme and irresistible.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ar-Rad-16

If you were to question them “Who Created the heavens and the earth?”

They should be sure to reply, “They were created by (Him), the Exalted in Power, full of Knowledge.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Az-Zukhrul-9

If you ask them, who created them, they will certainly say, ALLAH: how then are they deluded away?

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Az-Zukhraf-87

If you ask them, who it is that created the heavens and the earth They will certainly say, “ALLAH”.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Luqman-25

If indeed you ask them who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the moon, they will certainly reply,
“ALLAH”. How are they then deluded away?

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ankabut-61

The Attribution of Big Works to Allah

The plain attribution of gigantic and big works to ALLAH is a self-evident assertion. And then no doubt creativity on the small scale is even directly from Him too.

Whatsoever had been created before Adam considers it as a work of ALLAH. But after him the same is assigned to other than Him.

Thus, they consider them the partners (though on a small scale) of ALLAH in the process of Creation. The fact or the truth is:

And We have set on the earth mountains (for stability’s sake) standing firm, lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein highways for them to pass through: that they may find their way.

And We have made the heavens as a canopy well-guarded: yet do they turn away from the signs.

It is He Who created the Night and the Day, and the sun and the moon: all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Anbiyaa-31-32

The Holy Qur’an bears a strong testimony to the facts that it is ALLAH. Who raised the heavy clouds and send down blessed water from it.

He created sea, rivers and canals and bring forth fruits, flowers, grass and vegetables from the earth. Bestowed life upon the creation and awarded them with lot of things and commodities.

If anyone try his best to count them, he certainly cannot do so. Because they are infinite.

Who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who sends you down rain from the sky?

Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planned orchards full of beauty and delight: it is not in your power to cause the growth of the trees in them.

Can there be another ‘ELAH’ beside ALLAH? Nay, they are a people who swerve from justice.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Namal-60

He set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you: and He scattered through its beasts of all kinds.

We send down rain from the sky and produce on the earth every kind of noble creatures, in pairs

Who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who sends you down rain from the sky?
Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planned orchards full of beauty and delight: it is not in your power to cause the growth of the trees in them.
Can there be another ‘ELAH’ beside ALLAH? Nay, they are a people who swerve from justice.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Luqman-10

No One Can Create Anything

Statements regarding awards, rewards and provisions of necessities of lives abounds in number. And it is too difficult to encompass whole of them. Therefore, the best advice being is to go through the Holy Qur’an yourself.

The fact is that no one can create even the smallest of the particle.

Because it cannot be created without the help of energy, and it is never at our disposal. It cannot be created.

If the creation as a whole creates the smallest part of the particle. It would invariably mean the creation of energy, which is impossible.

Some of us has deduced a conclusion from our self-created. Supposition or assumption that human beings share the creation of ALLAH as co-workers. ALLAH being at the top and the creation at the abyss.

Moreover, if ALLAH [ALLAH forbade] Himself alone do a creation, programme, it would take thousands of years.

On the other hand, if human beings join Him. It would be completed in thousand days or even in thousand hours instead.

Be sure ALLAH does not stand in need of any co-worker. He does not require the help of

We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days (Periods), nor did any sense of weariness, touch us.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Qaf-38

See they not that ALLAH, Who created the heavens and the earth, and never wearied with their creation.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ahqaf-33

Say; Praise be to ALLAH, Who begets no son, and has no partner in (His) dominion: nor (needs) He any to protect Him from
humiliation: Yes, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Bani-Israel-111

ALLAH! There is no ‘ELAH’ but He, _ the Living, the self-subsisting, supporter of all, no slumber can seize Him nor sleep.

His are all things in the heavens and on earth.

Who is he can intercede in His presence except as He permit?

He Knows what is before or after or behind them.

Nor shall they compass ought of His knowledge except as He wills. His throne does extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and reserving them: for He is the most-high, the supreme.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah-255

Human beings are not Partners with Allah

Neither the human beings are partners or nor co-workers with ALLAH, in the process of creation. Rather as obedient servants it is their duty to culminate some of the creative processes by rendering their services honestly. Sincerely and faithfully in a unique way.

So that they may be looked upon as the most faithful and sincere workers of ALLAH. To the extent that an observer by the very nature and degree of their performance. Consider them as the doer and constructor busy in the creative process.

I have only created jinns and men that they may serve me.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Az-Zariyat-56

When Allah intend & Will to Process Creation

When ALLAH intend and willed to process creation, He kept some of the processes direct and other indirect.

Take the example of “Knower”. No doubt, ALLAH is the One Who possess knowledge.

But when He likes to impart knowledge to us. Either He conveys it directly or by means of angels or by teacher (or pen).

In the same way creation is also an act of ALLAH. It may be a huge one to take billion years (in our reckoning) for its completion. Or it may be so small to be completed in the twinkling of an eye. Either ALLAH Himself is the performer without any co-worker. Or He has subjected angels, devils, jinn and men to do it or do it by honey. Bee (or even less than bee) to wonder us at its very look. “Abd” is such a faithful “slave” who consider nothing of his own. An ordinary slave is free in belief. His master cannot compel him to believe a particular creed,

But “Abd” is much lower in rank than slave.

He has no choice in regard to belief.

He will have to follow the assigned path of ALLAH.

If he does not obey. He is a lair in his claim; a slave is expected to carry out the order of his master.

Whenever human beings invent a machine, he has no right to say that he had invented it.

Be sure the inventor is ALLAH Himself.

He generates the person with thought, force, energy, seeing etc. to do the needful with the means at his disposal.

In other words, when ALLAH intends to produce the required machine. He selects one among his slaves and brings forth the requirement with the visible hand of the slave.

The Visible Hand

I have intentionally coined the phrase “visible hand”. Because the “invisible energy” responsible for the grip of hand, no doubt, belongs to ALLAH the Almighty. People do consider it the handiwork of the person involved. But to the Momin (the keen observer) the whole process is the source of direct study of the activities of the One,

Who is at workday in and day out, of course without succession.

The maker of the machine makes the machine for a definite purpose to achieve.

Similarly, the human being, being a machine of ALLAH has been definitely created to accelerate the creative activities with the astonishing tool.

There is a great difference between these two machines.

If the human being performs the assigned job willingly. He receives the award in multiples or if he makes a misuse of freedom, choice and will. And he fails to complete the assigned duty or do it in a wrong way or leave it incomplete. He invites the worth of his Master.

The Holy Qur’an ascertains that the angels, devils, jinn (Spirit) and human being, rather all the living beings are subservient to ALLAH. ALLAH not only supports them, but He makes them to work as He likes.

It means that ALLAH is the Originator and He is the Repeater / Restorer also.

It is ALLAH who begins the creation; then repeats it; (this process is never everlasting, it will apt to come to an end one day).

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ar-Rum-11

It is He who begins the creation; then repeats it; and for Him it is most easy.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ar-Rum-27)

See they not how ALLAH originates creation, then repeats it, truly that is easy for ALLAH.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ankabut-19

Say: “of yours partners” can any originates creation and repeats it?

Say: it is ALLAH who originates creation and repeats it: then how are you deluded away.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yunus-34

Some processes of cycles is a part of everyday observation.

For example. The alternate change of Day and Night. Rotation of seasons, crops etc. The revelation of some strange cycles relieved the scientists a bit, i.e., the cycle of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

The cycle of nitrogen or the (hypothetical) cycle of helium and hydrogen in the sun.

Although, it has not come into the observation of human beings. But the multiplicity of cycles is no wonder at all.

ALLAH recites through His Book (The Holy Qur’an) the change of earth and sky with one another respectively. And it is just possible that there may be the cycle of Galaxies and Universes too. (ALLAH Knows Better)

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