The Final Message

Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer

For the sake of simplicity that Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer. It will be easy to define it as administrator or executor or Sustainer.

The intensive study of the Holy Qur’an brings forth the attribute ‘ELAH’ of ALLAH in the forefront. Because He only has the ability to do work. He has done the work and to be more exact He is doing it right now. His work is in front of us in the shape of vast Universe we are living in.

Then the Attributes the Beginner and Originator display themselves manifestly. And there is no one to deny it or claim to have a bit of share in its creation. And formation. The turn of Al-Bari (The Maker) Al-Khaliq (The Creator) Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner) come into notice.

It is, no doubt, He Who created the living and non-living things along with specific measured properties and fashioned them in right proportion.

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Pondering over the above and trying our utmost to understand them, as described by the Holy Qur’an. We are apt to come to the conclusion that He and only He is the Al-Rabb the Sustainer. This vast universe and cosmos after coming into being is ceaselessly at work with definite and administered handiwork.

The Being behind all these successive activities is known as Ar-Rabb. To define the term “Ar-Rabb” is not at all an easy job. Because it is beyond the scope of human thinking and knowledge. To do our utmost we can at the most say. Taking the Combination of the Universes into Consideration. Visible or invisible, material and abstract and the growth of animals, plants, minerals. And rocks of each and every universe individually and as well as collectively form their minutest particles of every kind to fashion them from the lowest to the highest stage to acquire perfection nearest to their zenith and climax is no doubt the work of ArRabb – The Sustainer.

So it will be easy to define Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer it as administrator or executor or Sustainer


Anchor Business Consultants (Pvt) Ltd

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