The Final Message

Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body

What are Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body

This topic explains the different between the three different items “Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body” as explained in the Holy Qur’an.

Please refer to the following verses, where ‘Ruh’ (Soul) has been described as “Command of the ‘Rabb’ (Nuhl-2, Mumin-15, and Shura-52).

The verses quoted above clearly indicates that it is beyond the approach of reasoning knowledge to understand “Ruh” (Soul), because that being a ‘state’ could be realized by “Qulb” (Heart) but cannot be described in words.

“Verily, when He intends a thing, His command is, “Be”, and it is!”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ya-Sin-82)

In order to understand this command, we must know KUN-FA-YAKOON (“Be” and it is).

Again, it is a “state”, because we utter the word “Be” with our tongue. It is on account of mouth and tongue we do so.

While, on the other hand, ALLAH does not depend on these organs. His Wish, Energy and Work take place simultaneously.

It never happens like us. When we wish to do a work, there is succession between our wish and it materialization i.e. the work done. It is never the case with His command which brings forth the whole process instantly. His command appears to us as Energy or a Dynamic Force. It is prevalent in the universe.

The minutest part or component (an exact word to convey my feelings is not there) prevalent in a planet may be referred as “Ruh” (Soul). It has various forms. One of which could be the cause of life.

This being a lower state of “Ruh” (Soul) affects not only the human beings but is responsible for the lives of birds, animals, planets and each and every living entity.

Sacred Divine Energy

This is a sacred divine energy. The ability to do work is on account of it and we feel it in the form of Force and Motion. When there is no indication of outward and inward motion from a body, it is no longer in contact with “Ruh” (Soul). In other words we declare it “death”. After KUN-FA-YAKOON6 (“Be” and it is),

we must strive to understand the various forms of “Ruh” (Soul), in order to be cautious not to consider it (soul) as He Himself but look upon it as the manifestation of one of His Attributes-‘Elah’s’ work-who has the ability to do work.

His Attributes is not He Himself but they have no independent existence apart from Him too.

I found myself spell-bound for the inability to express this state in words. We think of those objects only whose qualities or characteristics manifest their presence.

A material objects devoid of dimensions- length, breath and height-has no existence at all. We cannot think of a body having no dimensions. Its dimensions procure a proof of their being (existence).

Allah Withholds the Manifestation of His Attributes

If ALLAH withholds the manifestation of His Attributes, even then He Himself will be there. It means that since eternity He exists by Himself.

It is possible, when He had not manifested Himself through His Attributes –most probably in the beginning. This is known His existence by Himself.

Only ALLAH can exist in such a state. No one else can even guess of it. Hence the presence of any created body (human beings, Satan, Angels and Jin, etc.) is beyond imagination, rather impossible to exist at such a state.

That is why to think of it is of no use or futile and, therefore, of no benefit. The realm or boundary of our thinking and pondering must of necessity is confined to the realization of His Attributes. Be careful! It never means lasting deprivation of His visit and contact. Visit or contact is wholly limited to one’s attributes.

To pay a visit to a friend means to embrace him, converse with him and to enjoy his company. This is being done through his attributes. Access to his ‘self’ is not possible, because ‘self’ an immaterial entity is beyond a physical contact or visit in the ordinary sense of the word.

We are quite Ignorant

Thus, we may say, we are quite ignorant even of ourselves. We always refer to it through attributes, qualities and characteristics.

Be sure! By looking at the face of one’s friend, feeling his love, sympathy and other relevant actions, the visitor is quite satisfied by it and never feels anything missing. After such meeting he wishes nothing else to long for. He is rather so satisfied that his pleasure knows no bounds.

Face (Countenance) acts like a screen. Listening seeing and thinking are at work behind it.

Actually, visit is just the seeing of this screen or face. ALLAH has an immaterial face-as an Attribute-which could (INSHA ALLAH) prove to satisfy our each and every desire of meeting Him.

A few verses of the Holy Qur’an project the above assertion in a very plausible way.

“To ALLAH belong the East and the West. Withers ever you turn, there is ALLAH’s Face. For ALLAH is All-Embracing, All Knowing.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Baqarah-115)

“And call not, besides ALLAH, on another ‘ELAH’. There is no ‘ELAH’ but He. Everything (that exists) will perish except His Face. To Him belongs the Command, and to Him will you (all be brought back.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Qasas-88)

“All that is on earth will perish. But will abide (for ever) the Face of your ‘Rabb’ full of Majesty, Bounty and Honor.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ar-Rehman-26-27)

Similarly, the recognition and knowledge of “BODY” is a must, because;

1. The ‘Body’ stands as a symbol to represent the “SELF”.

2. The ‘Self’ realize the Attributes of ALLAH through its ‘Body’.

3. Body is as necessary for the ‘self’ as in tree for a fruit or earth for tree.

4. Body being a material substance is powerless and cannot change its state of rest or motion.

Next, we must be fully acquainted with the state and qualities of ‘self’. It like body obeys the law of inertia. Self is powerless too. It can neither change its state of rest nor can bring itself into motion. Self could not bring its body into rest or motion. It is deprived of listening, seeing, thinking and power to move-the Attributes of ALLAH. It is free in wish, selection and decision. The

attributes of ‘self’ are greed, misery, anxiety, pleasure, anger, desirous of tastes and luxury. It is open to the invitation of Angles and as well as Satan. We can say, self is just a bundle of feelings.

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Humans Basic Composition is “Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body

So, human being is not a mixture of body and soul, but it rather consists of three things. I.e., Human being is not only composed for body and soul only rather the main composition is “Ruh (Soul) Nafs (Self) and Body

1. Body.

2. Self (Nafs).

3. “Ruh” (Soul)

an unconscious patient undergoing a surgical treatment bears a strong testimony to the separate existence of these three entities.

The body, in complete functioning, (heartbeat, circulation of blood, etc. is in contact with the “Ruh” (Soul). That is why the operation is going on.

The surgeon will be busy in the process as long as, the body is in contact with the soul. In case of breakage, the surgeon ceases to operate and declares the death of the patient. Body is being cut into pieces, but it feels no pain, rather we say it is deprived of sensations. Both the body and the soul could not feel pain.

Then what does feel it? It is the third entity ‘self’ which is open to sensations. When it comes into contact with body and soul, he asks about his whereabouts. Immediately after death, a pious person is addressed by His ‘Rabb’ in the following words.“ To the righteous self will be said”

“O you self in (complete) rest and satisfaction!

Come back you to you’re ‘Rabb’ well pleased (yourself), and well pleasing unto Him!

Enter you then among My Devotees! Yea, enter you My Heaven.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Fijr-27-30)

Holy Qur’an Verses Address the “Self”

Clearly, those verses address the ‘self’. The reference is neither to body nor to soul. The ‘self’ is evidently ordered to enter the paradise. Moreover, it is referred as a feminine gender. So, in the sight of ALLAH it is a feminine entity.

“By the self and the proportion and order given to it.

And its inspiration as to its wrong and its right, Truly he succeeds that purifies it; And he fails that corrupts it!”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ash-Shams-7-10)

In the sight of the above quoted verses the existence of self (Nafs), apart from body and soul, is a reality, could not be denied at all. No doubt, ALLAH creates it and its success depends upon purification.

It also brings to light; the series of Prophets, Messengers and “Revealed Books” is never for the distinction of right and wrong, lies prejudice, bribe, dacoity, murder, and social evils etc.

On the other hand love, sympathy, to keep promise, respect, fraternity etc. had never been their mission to teach. Because inspiration (Ilham) causes the self to know and distinguish these evil or good qualities by itself.

Everyday observation bears an enviable testimony to the fact. None of the human beings have ever taught their off springs and issues to go against the above-mentioned qualities, obligations and instructions.

They never tell their children to spread hatred among the human beings. No one has observed even an atheist not to abide by it. Coming to the point, if the Prophets, Messengers and the “Revealed Books” are not meant for the above-mentioned preaching, then apart from and ALLAH is the ‘Rabb’ what else can be the motive to follow.

ALLAH – Who isa “Rabb”

So that we know ALLAH-Who is a ‘Rabb’ and ascribe no partners onto Him. Do good deeds and avoid badness for His sake.

The human body having gone through evolutionary stages is at its climax by now. It is since the creation of Adam. After the perfection of human bodily structure, the evolution of human’s self-took place and its zenith is to recognize ALLAH as ‘Rabb’.

“That to your ‘Rabb’ is the final goal.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (An-Najm-42)

“O you man! Verily you are ever toiling on towards your ‘Rabb’ painfully toiling, but you will meet Him.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Inshiqaq-6)

It being obligatory on the part of human ‘self’ to be the nearest to his ‘Rabb’ so that to become familiar with His Attributes, get rid of its impurities and to be enable to reflect the Attributes of ALLAH. This reflection must be to the extent so that by a glance one is wonder struck to call upon Him (ALLAH) instantly.

Keeping all this into consideration, we must observe His Attributes (Asma-ul-Husna) as permanent values for everyday deeds and actions. As this could not be achieved with human wisdom or reasoning knowledge, therefore, “Revelation” took the guidance to bring forth the human potential to the forefront to pass through the evolutionary stages to know the ‘Rabb’.

Familiarization, at least to a certain extent, with His Attributes before death is a must so that one may not feel blind, deaf and dumb after death, because:

“Now have come you, from your ‘Rabb’ proofs (to open your eyes), if any will see, it will be for (the good of) his own self; if any will be blind, it will be to his won (harm).”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-An’am-104)

“But those who were blind in this world will be blind in the Hereafter, and most astray from the path.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Bani-Israel-72)

“But whosoever turns away from My message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and we shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment.

He will say, “O my ‘Rabb’ why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)?

(ALLAH) will say; Thus did you, when Our signs came unto you, forgot them; so will you, this day, be forgotten.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ta-Ha-124-126)

“It is he whom ALLAH guides, that is true guidance; but he whom He leaves astray-for such will you find no protectors besides Him. On the Day of Judgment We shall gather them together, prone on their faces, blind, dumb and deaf; their abode will be Hell; every time it shows abatement, We shall increase for them the fierceness of the fire.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Bani-Israel-97)

Wisdom cannot turn a monkey into a human being.

Similarly, it is impossible to get entry into the next stage of evolution with wisdom. No doubt, it is ‘Revelation’ which transform the person to attain to step higher even if get rid of its body to hear and see His signs and enjoy the phenomena to his heart-content thus the importance and exposition of the language of the Revelation.

No doubt, such books are in the possession of their followers in the form of authentic translation. Translation apt to be according to the capabilities of the translator, which is never a substitute for revelation. Therefore, it loses the status of Revealed Books and thus not effective in attaining the higher knowledge concerning the recognition of ALLAH and His Attributes.

Doubtless, revelation is the means of approach in passing through progressive and evolutionary stages because translation (a human understanding of revelation) can never replace it.

O you who believe! Do your duty to ALLAH, seek the means of approach unto Him, and strive in His cause; that you may prosper.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (An-Maidah-35)

So, today apart from the Holy Qur’an nothing can serve as a means to approach the Almighty ALLAH.

It is ALLAH that takes the ‘self’ (Nafs) (of men) at death, and those that die not (He takes) during their sleep; those on whom He has passed the decree of death, He keeps back (from returning to life) but the rest He sends (to their bodies) for a term appointed.

Verily in this are signs for those who reflect.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Az-Zumar-42)

It is evident from the above verses that ‘self’ is quite a separate entity than body and soul. The entity taken in death and sleep cannot be a soul, because soul is not taken in the case of sleep. As for self (Nafs), it is not completely detached from the ‘body’ because the pain caused by the insertion of a needle in the body will awake him.

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