The Final Message

Me or They

The Topic Me or They

Me or They is also one of the topic covered in the books written by Syed Aziz-ur-Rehman Badshah. This topic Me or They is that Allah is asking that who you are going to count on. Me or They. i.e., Allah or they.

As I pointed out a very delicate problem and have referred to the most popular knowledge of day as fraudulence or deception.

Therefore, a majority of the humanity will strongly oppose me and their reaction will be the severest ever witnessed.

That is why it becomes obligatory on me for the consolation of those who have sound; and whole heart to think over.

The following verses of the Holy Qur’an.

“Have you not turned your thought to those who were given a portion of the Book? They believe in sorcery and ‘Taghut’ and say to the unbelievers that they are better guided in the (right) way than the Believers!

They are (men) whom ALLAH has cursed, and those who ALLAH has cursed, you will find for him no helper.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Nisa-51)

This being a portion of the humanity who have not only ignored the revelation. But do not believe in it at all.

Firm Believe

On the other hand is the writer with a firm belief in the Revelation. And an inviter to the same with strong and irresistible arguments from the Holy Qur’an. A sort of belief which he has is ALLAH and His Attributes is evident from the writing in hand. You as a just judge can easily arrive at the conclusion that who is on the right path-Me or they?

If the human invested “Terms” and their “Theories” and “Hypothesis” not confirmed by the “Revelation” to be considered as ‘Knowledge’. Then I with the support of the ‘Qur’anic knowledge’; has the right to ascribe them ‘VEIL’ between ALLAH and the human beings.

The reason behind this assertion is the carelessness on their part. If they were exposed to “Revelation” they would never have concealed themselves from “ALLAH”. Thus the ‘Satan’ became their right hand and close friend.

“And on them did Satan prove true his idea, and they followed him, all but a party that believed.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Saba-20)

“If anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of the Most Gracious. We appoint for him a Satan, to be an intimate companion of him. Such (Satans) really hinder them from the path, but they think that they are being guided a right!”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Az-Zukhruf-36-37)

“Satans has got the better of them; so he has made them forgot the remembrance of ALLAH. They are the party of Satan. Truly, it is the party of Satan that will lose.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Mujadila-19)

“And he said, “I will take of your servants a portion marked off: I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires. I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and make change in the creation of ALLAH, whoever, forsaking ALLAH, takes Satan for a friend, has of a surety suffered a loss that is manifest. Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false hopes, but Satan’s promise are nothing but deception.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Nisa-118-120)

If they were aware of the reality, they would have been included among men of understanding. And would undoubtedly believe in ALLAH and prostrated before Him. In return they must have been awarded with lot of blessings.

Recitation of the Holy Qur’an in English Only

Cline Here to listen to the recitation of the Holy Qur’an in English Only Surah Wise Selection

“Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of Night and Day, – there are indeed sings for men of understanding. Men who remember ALLAH standing, sitting and lying down on their sides, and contemplate in the creation of the heavens and the earth, (with the saying), our ‘Rabb’ not for naught have you created (all) this! Glory to you! Give us salvation from the chastisement of the fire.

Our ‘Rabb’! Any whom you do admit to the fire, him indeed you had confounded, and never will wrong dowers find any helpers! Our ‘Rabb’ we have heard the call of one calling (us) to Faith,

Believe you in the ‘Rabb’ and we have believed. Our ‘Rabb’!

Forgive us our sins; blot out from us our iniquities, and take us to yourself in the company of the righteous.”

Our ‘Rabb’! Grant us; what you did promise through your messenger! And save us from shame on the Day of Judgment, for you never break your promise.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Imran-121)

So, when the human beings become aware and conscious of their carelessness, misleading and misguidance, they announce just like Ibrahim.

“For me, I have set my face, firmly and truly, towards Him Who created the heavens and the earth, and never shall I give partners to ALLAH.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-An’am-79)

Reality Come Crystal Clear

He becomes aware of reality and it becomes crystal clear to him. What does actually reality mean in the real sense of the word.

But to express such feelings in words or writing is beyond the shadow of doubt an extremely difficult job.

Even then he tries his best to draw the attention of fellow human beings. Towards the state he finds himself in. he covets to express himself by any means at his disposal.

In order to express one’s feelings, certain historical references bear unequivocal testimony to various such assertions. As: An’nul Haq, Wahdat-tush-shahood and Wahdat-tul-wajood5 .

As the indivisible reality exists as a unit. Therefore; each one of them tried his best to express the state or feeling by various rendering to invite the humanity.

To the very source of their understanding i.e. no doubt, the Holy Qur’an.

As the ‘state’ of the majority of the people is not the one mentioned above. Each one strives to understand and grasp the notion according to his state.

This being, knowledge of a state’ is quite impossible to express it with the worldly reasoning knowledge. (keeping into consideration the example of sweetness and color) it appears contradictory to a layman. In fact one fails to transfer his feelings to someone else by any means at his disposal.

For example, if I try my best to describe my won state about the question under discussion. As a human being realizes the existence of ‘Ruh’ (Soul) in his body, similarly the ‘Ruh’ (Soul) is at work in the vast universe.

Its minutest realization is on account of ALLAH’s ‘Ruh’ (Soul) is a unity rather than its independent existence.

Even then neither the visible material universe in sight is ALLAH Himself nor the universe itself is a component or part of it.

Existing Universe

This existing universe apart from His Attributes’ manifestation is nothing else. If the human beings see with a vision like X-ray, flesh will no longer exists in the sight of him.

So, whatsoever is flesh or meat it does not exist by itself?

Its apparent existence is due to the restriction of vision within the range of visible spectrum,

In case of increase of the human sight to the range of cosmic radiation or a vision with such more frequency than this, the material universe will disappear before such sight.

But the disappearance of all material objects never means the non-existence of that “Force” which we realize in material objects. With the disappearance of matter, the “Force” or its realization would never occur to happen. Because material objects have no existence of its own.

Rather it owes its existence to the visible spectrum. But “Force” is “Reality”, because matter exists on account of it, but it owes its existence to nothing. It is one of the Attributes of ALLAH.

It will be at work, as well as He Wills. If all material objects vanish away, then Reality and Reality at work will come into sight.

Now, keeping the above explanation into consideration. If one tries to study the phenomena of An’nul Haq Wahdat-tush-shahood and Wahdat-tul-wajood-all the three will manifest one and the same reality. But the above explanation is not necessarily true. It is not valid until one cannot differentiate among ‘Ruh’ (Soul), Nafs (Self) and Body.

These entities are quite independent of one another. Ruh (Soul) belongs to ALLAH, Nafs – the human being itself- and the assertion that it is the command of ALLAH.

They ask you concerning the “Ruh” (soul or spirit) say: the (‘Ruh’) is of the command of my ‘Rabb’ of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you (O men!)

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ban-Israel-85)

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