The Final Message

La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah


Bismillah Two Colors
Bismillah Two Colors

Faith in Allah (God) does not mean that one should only believe in ALLAH. Also faith in ALLAH does not mean to accept the ALLAH is the Creator of every thing in the universe.

In order to put one’s self on the right path, it is not enough simply to believe in ALLAH. Even it is not enough for faith to affirm that ALLAH is the Creator, Sustainer, Hearer, Seer, Thinker. Considering Originator of heavens and earth; the Master and the runner of the affairs of the world, is not enough.

The existence of such a Creator is neither denied by the Jews, Christians, Hindus or Sikhs. The pagans of Arab had faith in the existence of such a Being. Against whom the Holy Prophet was ordered to wage a war.

They considered themselves as the descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and believed Khana Kaba as the home of ALLAH.

While objecting on the occasion of treaty of Hudibia to the words, Ar-Rehman and Ar-Rahim. They insisted to write the words “Bismilk-alla_huma” (in the name of ALLAH) while writing the treaty.

Faith in Allah (God) Does Not Mean HE is the Creator Only

In other words, the very beginning of the treaty was with the name of ALLAH. ALLAH, Himself is witness that they believed that ALLAH is the Creator. Allah is the Sustainer, the Master of the exalted heavens and runner of the system of the universe.

If you were to question them, “Who created the heavens and the earth?” they would be sure to reply, “They were created by (Him), the Exalted in Power, full of knowledge!”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Az-Zukhruf-9)

If you ask them, who it is that created the heavens the earth and subjected the sun and the moon, they will certainly reply, “ALLAH”. How are they then deluded away?

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Ankabut-61)

Say, “Who is it that sustains you from the sky and from the earth? Or Who is it that has Hearing and Sight? And who is it that brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living? And who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?” They will soon say, “ALLAH”. Say, “Will you not then show piety?”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Yunus-31)

Say, “To whom belong the earth and all beings therein? (say) if you know!” they will say, “to ALLAH!” Say, “Yet will you not receive admonition?” Say, “Who is the ‘Rabb’ of the seven heavens, and the ‘Rabb’ of the Mighty Throne.

Say, “Who is it in whose hand is the sovereignty of all things, who protects (all), but is not protected (of any)? (Say) if you know. “They will say, “To ALLAH.” Say, “Then how are you deluded?”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Muminun-84-89)

Today, most of the believer Muslims have no more faith in ALLAH than this.

But taking into consideration the case of the Jews, Christians and the pagan of Makka (Arabia). Whose this much affirmation is not effective. Why is it the contrary in our (Muslim’s) case?

Those polytheists were not ready to consider ALLAH as the sole ‘ELAH’. Anh having no partner to help Him in the execution of His work.

They looked upon the human beings possessing a part of energy, bestowed upon them by ALLAH. It means we could do something on limited scale as compared to ALLAH’s boundless capabilities.

Are we not hearer seer and thinker to the extent He Hears, Sees and Thinks. We are in the possession of the above-mentioned qualities to a certain extent.

If we are not capable to manage the affairs of the Mighty Throne (entire universe). It does not mean that we have no hand in the management of worldly affairs too. If we are not so mighty as ALLAH is, it is wrong to say that we are powerless.

In short, what they used to say, we repeat it in the same wording and practice now. That if ALLAH has the ability and capability to manage huge, unlimited and boundless affairs. And Allah look after the entire creation,

Hears all and sees everything and happening, we also do have the ability to perform certain activities. That is can hear someone, can see a thing or happening, can move. And do work and at least are looking after our families and children. Thus:


ALLAH Almighty wants to rectify this prevalent misconception, because being a wrong supposition leads us astray.

Thus, the attainment to enjoy a pleasant life in the hereafter becomes impossible. If we fail to revert our line of action.

This is neither the right path, nor the way of ALLAH, the Exalted in Power, Worthy of all Praise.

You wish to choose or select the right way. Then you will have to bow before the truth, the truth is that He has not bestowed or granted His Attributes to any type of His creation, neither on large scale nor on small one.

His Attributes are indivisible and hence it is not possible to distribute it among the creatures. No doubt, the creation is benefited from the Attributes of ALLAH in such a way, as we avail air, even when we are asleep.

One can strive hard to find out how does it take place, we shall arrive at the conclusion that creature is just the opposite of the creator and the attributes they are endowed are quite in contrast with one another.

If the creator is positive, the creature is negative, but do remember, unlike matter they never meet. ALLAH is Noor (Light), the creation is darkness.

If one is truth, the other is falsehood. That is why, the creation is never required to strive or struggle hard to attain His Attributes.

But rather instructed thoroughly to feel His nearness, close contact, to be benefited from His Attributes, to prevail it over one’s self and to reflect it to enjoy a peaceful and satisfactory life.

A flower reflects the rays of the sun and seems red to us. As it reflects the red light, therefore, it enjoys a beautiful red color, though actually it is colorless.

The colorlessness of the flower and that of sun’s light has nothing in common. Its claim that red color is its property or that it has the ability to produce red light itself is a nonsense or mere conjecture.

His claim will definitely stand invalid after coming into darkness and its repentance will no more be fruitful.

It is just the same with human beings. We are alive with His Attributes and enjoy it to our heart’s content unknowingly or unconsciously, we consider them our properties or qualities.

We enjoy this state, while this contact is intact. When it breaks (the state of death) we deem to face the deprivation of eternal comforts which we ourselves condemned.

While on the other hand, considering ALLAH as ‘Rabb’, Seer, Hearer, Powerful and Thinker, we will have to confess from the depth of our hearts that the creature is quite devoid of His Attributes, either on large scale or on small one.

The pre-condition for faith is:

“I believe in ALLAH as He is with Names and Attributes and accept all the obligations imposed on me. This verbal pledge of mine testifies the attestation of my heart.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (A-iman-Mujmil)

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Faith In Allah

(Concept of Faith in Allah (God))

Anchor Business Consultant

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