The Final Message

Creation Of the Universe:

Creation of the Universe.

This topic is on how the Creation of the Universe took place as given in the Holy Qur’an. Actually, the topic creation of the Universe starts from the paragraph given below:

Matter is a form of energy; therefore, the material universe exists due to Energy. When the universe has not come into being, Energy was there. We cannot think of a period devoid of it.

Do you think it belongs to Blind Nature? If it belonged to a Dead, Blind, Deaf and lifeless nature, then how it became possible for Him to give birth to such a vast universe without intention and no specific purpose has come into being all by itself.

Such a supposition logically brings us to a naught. Because up till now nothing has been observed haphazard, miss-administered and without definite purpose by anyone of the scientists or someone else engaged in its exploration.

If it has come into being by itself, how is its unique presentation possible? It is for the scientists of today to find out any discrepancy, flaw or irregularity in it.

On the other hand, their findings, research and exploration are also much surprising and unique that they themselves astonish at its extra-ordinary functioning. To conclude, the creator of the universe is no doubt a live sensitive Entity,

Wise and Scholar, because He done it wisely with a perfect knowledge. Such perfection without wisdom and knowledge is not possible.

So, it being a self-evident conclusion that the Energy did not belong to a Blind Nature, rather it belongs to a Live, Self-Conscious,

Wise and Scholar known to us as ALLAH.

Before the creation of this universe, when matter was not created, then to a scientist Energy was in potential.

This state is called “Alam-i-Amer”9 the prevalence of ALLAH’s Command.

‘ELAH’ wished to bring forth His ability in visible form, which in turn generate all sorts of activity, the result of which is all that exists in the universe- is called “Alam-I-Khalq”10 i.e., the creation.

“Verily His are the creation and the command.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-A’raf-5

“He Wished” does not mean that He did it in the past, Creation i.e., whatsoever is created is time-bounded but ALLAH is free from all restraints.

Past, present and future exists in relation to created beings.

The creator knows “NOW” only i.e., the time-period at instant, whatever has happened in the past, what is being taking place instantly and what will happen in the future all in nutshell is in front of Him.

To ALLAH all happenings of the past and as well as of the future co-exist. To realize or visualize such a state is rather a difficult notion for the human beings.

Anyhow keeping into consideration, the experimented and observed facts one can at least guess that there exist no one of incidents or happening which is not in the observation of ALLAH.

The speed of light is approximately 186,000 miles per second (300,000 Km/Sec) and the distance which light covers with this speed in one year is called “One light year.”

It is equal to (186,000 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 356) 5865696000000 miles.

The distance among the planets and stars are so much enormous that we fail to measure it with the unit of light year.

Light makes things visible. When we look at a near object, the light after striking it reflects and reaches our eyes.

An object at a distance of one light year will be visible after a lapse of a light year.

The sun in the terms of light year is 500 sec away from us. We shall see a happening there after 500 sec, therefore, we always look at the reflection of the sun which it had left 500 sec before.

Be sure! The actual sun never comes into our observation. The sun is revolving, and the earth is also busy in rotation as well as revolution, therefore, it is too far away from the observed one.

Suppose four persons A, B, C and D are 2, 4, 6 and 8 light minutes away from the sun. Therefore, they will observe happenings over the surface of the sun after 2, 4, 6 and 8 minutes respectively.

After six minutes the incident for ‘C’ will be present tense and for ‘A’ and ‘B’ it has passed away but for ‘D’ it will have to take place in future. Now,

let’s take it other way round.

There are A, B, C and D planets away from the earth-our abode of living. Planet ‘A’ is at a distance of light-year when “Deluge” took place. Planet ‘B’ is away when Ibrahim was busy in the construction of Ka’ba, ‘C’ is lying there when Battle of Badr Happened and ‘D’ at a distance of the sad happening of Karbala.

Suppose once again that scientists living in the aforementioned planets are studying all the happening occurring over the surface of the earth.

They have all the required instruments and equipment’s at their disposal.

By now, the observer at A is looking at the destructive deluge, B is looking at the watching Ismail and Ibrahim busy in the construction of Ka’ba, C is observing the triumph of
Truth and Defeat of Falsehood at ‘Badr’, D is looking at Hussain (RAA) and his loyal EARTH’s Present A B C D colleagues, fighting for the right cause at “Karbala,” (in Iraq).

For dwellers of earth, these are the happenings of the past. For ‘C’ the deluge and the construction of Ka’ba is in the past,

Battle of Badr is present, while the tragedy of Karbala is still an awaited event.

Now, let’s think that ALLAH is looking at all these happenings.

Whose vision is encompassing the entire space, just as you look at the four circles at a time.

ALLAH is looking at these happenings just by now. No one of the incident took place in the past, nor anyone of it is supposed to happen in the future.

For Him universe is in creation, the Day of Judgement is in front of Him.

Those in paradise are spending an enjoyable life, those in hell are crying, weeping and spending a miserable life.

Now, after deep thinking we have to understand His Command is “Be”, and it is! The process of “Be” and ‘it is’- is going on.

Matter (Creation) and Energy (Command) are continuously and / or successively displaying His abilities. Which in turn generate all sort of activity. The result of which is all that exists in front of us for observation.

“Matter and energy are both at work” and all this is the work of one “ELAH”.

As for the knowledge of the human beings is concerned, in the first stage of the creation “Command” was there. It brought the Energy into Motion.

“The Potential Energy became dynamic”. This change manifests the attributes – the Creator/Originator.

The maker (Al Bari), the Fashioner (Al – Musawwir) and the Repeater/Restorer and the Creation came into being. Energy (the ability to do work) materialized and so became visible.

The fundamental particles, named by scientists as, electron, proton and neutron, etc. came into existence being and lot of others of which human beings have no knowledge at all. In due course these fundamental particles took the shape of atoms.

Atoms changed into Molecules and culminated into elements and mixture were formed. All these came into being from Nebula, which is responsible for the creation of heavenly bodies- planets, stars, etc. ALLAH done all this all alone, He is the only ‘ELAH’ and will remain so till eternity and hence-after.

Say; Is it that you deny Him Who created the earth in two days?

And do you join equals with Him?

He is the ‘Rabb’ of all the worlds.

He set on the Earth Mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measured there in its sustenance in four days, alike for (all) who ask.

Then He turned to the sky, and it had been (as) smoke; He said to it and to the earth, come you together, willingly or unwillingly.”

They said, we do come (together), in willing obedience.”

So, He completed them as seven firmaments in two days, and He assigned to each heaven its duty and command. And We adorned the lower heaven with lights and (provided it) with guard. Such is the measure of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of Knowledge.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Fussilat-9-12

The above verses discuss an important issue of modern time i.e., natural laws govern the universe or all the objects within the universe are compelled to follow the natural laws.

In other words, they even cannot wish to change them. It is absolutely wrong.

They are most willingly serving ALLAH and there is no sign of compulsion at all.

All of them, apart from human beings and ‘jinn’ (spirits) have surrendered unconditionally before the will of ALLAH.

Each and every particle of the universe has ‘self’ (Nufs).

It is on account of presence of the sustainer of the worlds ‘Rabb’ everywhere.

A single point is not devoid of His Attributes and where He Himself is present, then to consider that place (point etc.) without “Self” (Nufs) or life is definitely a
wrong assumption. It is an established fact that the Fear of ALLAH overcomes the objects of the universe.

For among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder send forth water.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah-74

The material objects have not only “selves” but they understand, realize and have a complete understanding record in their memories.

When their ‘Rabb’ permit them, they will narrate whatever were hidden so for.

The revelation to earth to speak is a vivid description of Al-Zalzalah in the Holy Qur’an.

When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion. And the earth throws up her burdens (from within).

And man cries (distressed) what is the matter with her?

On that Day will she declare her tidings?

For that your ‘Rabb’ will have given her inspiration.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Zalzalah-15

A similar speech testimony of human organs against their selves on the Day of Judgment is narrated thus:

That Day shall We set a seal on their mouths. But their hands will speak to Us, and their feet bear witness, to all that they did.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yasin-65

The Day that the enemies of ALLAH will be gathered together to the Fire, they will be marched in ranks.

At length, when they reach the (Fire) their hearing, their sight and their skins will bear witness against them, as to (all) their deeds.

They will say to their skins.

Why bear you witness against us?

They will say, “ALLAH has given us speech, (He) Who give speech to everything.

He created you for the first time, and unto Him were you to return, you did not seek to hide yourselves, lest your hearing, your sight, and your skin should bear witness against you!

But you did think that ALLAH knew not many of the things that you used to do!

But this thought of yours which you did entertain concerning your ‘Rabb’ has brought you to destruction, and (now) have you become of those utterly lost!”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ha-Mim as-Sajda-19-23

It seems so that our bodies act like video-tape and record our deeds every instant.

The refusal and fear of the heavens, earth and mountains to undertake the trust is a self-evident proof of their sensation, realization and understanding.

We did indeed offer the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refuse to undertake it, being afraid thereof, but man undertook it, he was indeed unjust and foolish.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Ahzab-72

All the objects of heavens and earth adore and beseech ALLAH knowingly and consciously.

The seven heavens and the earth, and all things therein, declare His glory; there is not a thing but celebrates His Praise; and yet you understand not how they declare His glory!

Verily He is Oft-For bearing, Most Forgiving!

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Asraa-44

If we do not understand their adoration, it never means that they do not know it.

See you not that it is ALLAH Whose Praises all beings in the heavens and on the earth do celebrate, and the birds (of the air)
with wings outspread?

Each one knows it’s won (mode of) prayer and praise. And ALLAH knows well all they do.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Nur-41

Certain narration of Traditions (Hadees) bears a strong testimony that all the objects on the earth have sensation and clear understanding.

For example, the love of Uhad mountain to Muhammad, shedding of tears of a piece of Palm as a resting place of Muhammad, while delivering “Friday Sermon”, the boasting of that mountain over others on which the adornment of ALLAH is cited, the salute of a stone to the Prophet Muhammad before Prophethood, the testimony of Black stone (at Kabbah) against those who kiss it with faith, etc.

The research and findings of the Botanists of the Day is a clear proof of the sensation, realization and understanding of certain plants. We do hope for further findings in regard to stones and other material objects, in due course.

The difference between surrender of human beings and other objects is all the objects have surrendered voluntarily and serve ALLAH willingly, while most of the human beings do so unwillingly.

See you not that to ALLAH prostrate all things that are in the heavens and on the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the hills, the
trees, the animals, and a great number among mankind?

But a great number are (also) such as unto whom the Chastisement is justly due. And such as ALLAH shall disgrace, none can rise to honor; for ALLAH carries out all that He Wills.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an (Al-Hajj-18

Whosoever has a strong and unbreakable belief in His Might and Power, surrender unconditionally and most willingly before Him bestows upon him a great respect.

Putting him on the right-path and award him with lot of rewards to the extent of his heart-content.

On the other hand, one equals others with Him and is not willing to bow before Him ultimately his abode is Hell and a miserable life on the earth too.

One Who create things, then shape it and resurrect and re-shape them again is creator originator The Maker.

The Fashioner and The Repeater, Restorer. The Originator as ALLAH has given birth to the universe; therefore, He is the Originator.

The Only ‘ELAH’ can be the Originator, because the one Who does not possess the ability to do work, how shall create anything, therefore, apart from ALLAH there is no Originator and He is the Only ‘ELAH’ Please refer to the Holy Qur’an in respect to the creation of heavens, earth and human beings (Al-Anam-101, Al-Baqarah-117 and Al-Ankabut-20)

AL-Fater- it resembles the Originator. Yusuf refer to it, while praying to ALLAH.

O You creator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Protector in this world and in hereafter.

Take You myself (Nafs) (at death) as one submitting to your will as a Muslim and unite me with righteous.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yusuf-101

Al-Anam-14 and Al-Furqian-2 also refer to it, as there was nothing before the creation of the universe.

Therefore, no one else apart from ALLAH is The Originator. Khaliq, Al-Bari, Al-Musawwir).

After Al-Badi and AL-Fater the Attributes following in order are The creator (Al-Khaliq) The Maker (Al-Bari) and The Fashioner (Al-Musawwir).

To create means to measure a thing and shape it to tally the measurement and the creator means to mould compounds into various compositions and thus bring forth new compounds into existence.

For example, if ALLAH as Originator has created the fundamental particles (electron, proton and neutron, etc.).

Then changing these to elements in measured proportions and definite units and further created compounds from them, which in itself is a clear proof for creator.

The Maker (Al-Bari) means the separation of things from their opposites. The Holly Quran says:

A declaration of immunity from ALLAH and His Messenger to those of the pagans with whom have contracted mutual alliances.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Tuba-1

It is being a clear declaration of ALLAH and His Messenger from pagans of Makkah again.

And remember Musa (Moses) said to his people, “O my people! You have indeed wronged yourselves by your worship of the Calf,
so turn (in repentance) to your Maker and slay yourselves that will be better for you in the sight of your Maker. Then He turned
towards you; for He is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah-54

The followers of (Moses) Musa were divided into two groups, one the worshipper of calf (pagan) and the other bowing before ALLAH (the Monotheist).

The monotheist believers were ordered not to mingle with the pagans and to bring them (pagan) to naught.

This being a manifest wisdom at this unique occasion to refer to an Attribute,

The Maker (Al-Bari), that ALLAH wants to divide then into two separate categories.

Moreover, it has another meaning too. That is the creator, and the creations are two entities standing quite in contrast to each other.

Both posses hundred percent different attributes and properties.

Nothing is common between them.

If we take into consideration the order of creation, we arrive at a conclusion that it had taken place in three stages. First the creation of fundamental particles i.e. atom and second turning atoms into elements quite different in their physical and chemical properties i.e., density, melting point, boiling point and resistance etc. this evident contrast leads us to understand the meanings of The Maker (Al-Bari).

Finally, to fashion – to mould a body or substance into a particular shape and form guides us to know the Fashioner and His work. (Please refer to Al-Araf-11, Al-i- Imran-6 and Al-Hashr-24)

He is ALLAH, the Creator the Originator, the Fashioner.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Hashr-24

He has created the universe and all those objects constituting it (the universe).

All the objects have properties of their own. They are quite separate from one another.

Finally, he shaped them. ALLAH- the Fountain of Energy has done all this alone.

He has not only the ability to do work but can implement and materialize it too.

He has created seven heavens and the earth in six periods and no fatigue touched Him at all.

(References: Ar-Rum-22, Hud-7, Qaf-38, Al-Baqarah28, An-Nisa 12-13, Al-Mulk-3, Ar,Rad 2, Al-Mumninun-17)

Among His signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun the Moon.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Fussilat-37

He Who created death and life.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Mulk-2

Yet they make the jinns equals with ALLAH, though ALLAH did create the jinns.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-An’an-100

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