The Final Message

The Forceful (Al-Qawee)

The Forceful (Al-Qawee)

Al-Qawee (The Forceful) is one of the Attributes of ALLAH. It means “One Who Possess Energy.” If once we confess that ALLAH is Forceful and / or Powerful. Than it becomes obligatory on our part to consider the creation as a whole powerless. May they be living things or non-living, spirits (Jinn), human beings, Angels or Satan. In short whatsoever is created is not weak but powerless.

“If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the punishment; that to ALLAH belongs all the power.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah – 169

“Whatsoever ALLAH wills is done (because)! There is no power but from ALLAH.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Kahf-39

Muhammad advised us to glorify ALLAH with (Kalimat-Fatimah) which includes. Teh Kalima also indicates that The Forceful (Al-Qawee) is Allah:

“There is nothing in the surrounding and no power as well but from ALLAH.

(Kalima Tamjeed)

The Ability to Do Work

Energy means the ability to do work. Each and every student of science knows that without the application of force, work could never be done. In other words, the potential to do a work is void without force. Till day, the scientists failed to tell us what does the word force stand for?

When they are asked to define it, they without hesitation enumerate its properties, attributes and qualities, they define it so:

“Force is that which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of motion of a body.”

According to above statement. Force tries its best to change or tends to change the state of rest or motion of a body. This self-evident statement narrates two properties of a force:

  1. To bring a static body into motion or trying its best to move it.
  2. To bring a moving body into rest or trying its best to stop it.

It can never be considered the definition of a force. Because cat, dog, human being, a lion, blowing wind, running water or freely falling stone could bring such a change.

Are all of these agents force in itself, or they do it with the help of force? After all what force is?

Till date no one of the scientists succeeded to offer a satisfactory definition of the “Force”.

Because they are searching in vain to find the answer. In creation instead of the Creator and the creation itself is devoid of it.

The realization of such a force takes place, when one form of energy manifests itself in another form.

For example, when potential energy changes into kinetic energy. To interpret such a phenomenon the scientists always refer to it by the word “change”, which is absolutely wrong.

Ability to Do Work

The ability to do work never changes. Rather it is meaningless to express it so.

On the other hand, the overall amount of energy manifests itself in the required form. Such as light, heat, motion or any other type.

Therefore, it is better to say:

The energy which was producing the sensation of light is now producing the sensation of warmth. Instead of “light energy changes into heat energy.”

We may express it in another form too.

The ability to do work which was in the form of light is now exercising its ability as heat.

(Meaning The Forceful (Al-Qawee) is ALLAH who possess all the energy / force)

A careful study of the statement reveals the absence of the subject. One Who Possess energy and has the ability to utilize or display it.

A believer in the real sense of the word can easily guess the Agent to be ALLAH Himself.

No doubt, it is ALLAH. Who exercises His ability in the form of light and exercises it in the form of heat too.

In other words, light and heat both are the manifestations of the Attributes of ALLAH

I revert to the topic:

When one form of energy changes into another form, force displays itself in-between the interval.

For example, when somebody throws a stone. His muscular energy changes into kinetic energy. The realization of force is felt at the moment when the change takes place.

If a force brings a body into motion. The work done is equal to the product of the force and distance covered. WORK = FORCE x DISTANCE.

The creation of force means the creation of energy. As a universal truth, the creation of energy is not possible; therefore, the creation of force is impossible too.

We arrived at a conclusion that The Forceful (Al-Qawee) is Allah Only

That work is also energy, remember, we measure it in the units of energy.

Therefore, force can neither be created nor destroyed, nor it is divisible to be filled in separate chambers.

It exists as a unit in the universe. Wherever, it is exclusively belonging to ALLAH. Before the creation of the material world (universe all inclusive) just now, till eternity and thereafter, thereafter and thereafter …….

Be considerate! Creation as a whole avail it. Of course without succession, at each and every point in the vast and expanding cosmos, just like air.

ALLAH is unique or singular not only in His Being. But in His Attributes also “Force” belongs to His Attributes and He is the sole possessor of it.

Anyone apart from His Being is not weak but powerless. And to consider oneself as powerful is an open declaration to ascribe partners unto Him.

If ALLAH breaks a contact of this Attribute with the creation even for a fraction of a second. It ceases to exist within no time. Nothing will be there except ALLAH adorned with His Attributes. If a reference is made to (Al-Mumin-16):

“Whose will be the Dominion that Day?” No one will be there to answer: “That of ALLAH, the Overpowering!”

Verses from Holy Qur’an Al-Mumin – 16

ALLAH Himself asserts about “Force” as follows:

“If only the unrighteous could see, behold, they would see the punishment; that to ALLAH belongs “Force” and ALLAH will forcefully enforce the punishment.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah-165

ALLAH is strong (Forceful) and strict in punishment.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Anfal – 52

Except Allah all are Powerless

To make it easier for the human beings to understand that apart from ALLAH all are “Powerless”. A reference is there is Sura Al-Hajj.

O men! Here is a parable set forth! Listen to it! Those on whom, besides ALLAH, you call, cannot create (even) a fly, if they all
met together for the purpose! And if the fly should snatch away anything from them, they would have no power to release it from
the fly. Powerless are these who petition and those whom they petition.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Hajj-73-74

ALLAH with holds the birds in the air. But only the true believers feel the Forceful Hand of ALLAH behind each and every such observed phenomenon.

It means that the Forceful (Al-Qawee) is the Allah and nothing else has any type of energy or force.

Do they not observe the birds subjected in the sky. Nothing holds them up except ALLAH; verily in this are sign for those who believe.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Nahl-79

Do they not observe the birds above them, spreading their wings and folding them in? None uphold them except Al-Rehman. (The
Most Gracious)! Truly it is He that Watches over all things.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Mulk – 19

He has not only upheld the birds in the sky. But He also upholds the heavy clouds and carries them away wherever He likes.

It is He Who shows you the lightning, by way both of fear and of hope. It is He Who raises up the clouds, heavy with (fertilizing)

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ar-Rad-12

He supports all the celestial bodies. The sun, moon, stars, planets and whatsoever is accommodating this vast and encompassing space.

Moreover, He (The ALLAH) has kept them rotating and revolving in their respective orbits.

No doubt, the Force of Gravity is a coined second name for the Mighty and Forceful Hands of ALLAH-

(The word hand does not stand for the material object we possess. But rather indicates the grips, power or force with which it holds the objects.).

Neither it is the property of matter nor of space. But unequivocally is the manifestation of His Power (Force) and a symbol for those who are in search for ‘ELAH’.

“It is ALLAH Who sustains the heavens and the earth, lest they cease (to function); and if they should fail, there is none-not one can sustain them; therefore, verily He is Most Forbearing, oft Forgiving.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Fatir-41

See you not that ALLAH has made subject to you (men) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command (Energy). He withholds the sky from falling on the earth, but by His leave (if it falls, it is something possible) for ALLAH is Most Kind and Most Merciful to man.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Hajj-65

He it is Who operates and sustains the boats and ships in the rivers and seas.

The scientific term “Buoyancy” is nothing more than the celebration and exercise of His Powerful Hands (support and equilibrium).

“Your ‘Rabb’ is He that make the ship go smoothly for you through the sea, in order that you may seek of His Bounty. For He is unto you Most Merciful.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Israa-66

Like the sea, He supports and sustains us on the Dry land too.

“We have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea (i.e. support them on land and sea) given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Israa-70

“He it is Who traverse you through land and see.”

Verses from Holy Qur’an Yunus-22

Forceful Hand of Allah

The display of this forceful hand of ALLAH in liquid is called buoyancy. In solid and gas reaction and while in string and chains as tension.

In freely falling bodies, it has been given the name of weight and among the planets and stars gravitation.

If in fundamental particles it is known as cohesive force. Then in the strong hold at the nucleus of atom, the scientists called it binding force. No doubt, the same is known as physical force (or muscular force) observed among the human beings. To understand this, let refer to the Holy Qur’an.

These are nothing but names which you have devised, you and your forefathers, for which ALLAH has sent down no authority (whatever).

Verses from Holy Qur’an (An-Najm-23

Alas! If all such believers have taken the Holy Qur’an into consideration. It would have been invariably dawned upon them that “Force” exits as an indivisible unit in the universe.

Force in whatsoever form, degree or state it directly belongs to ALLAH – rather to describe it implicitly.

As well as explicitly, it is an Attribute of ALLAH and ALLAH alone.

“Al-Qawi (the Forceful) is One and only One in the prevailing immaterial space.

(The phenomena of the ‘immaterial space’ prevailing everywhere should not be taken for the contemporary image of the space. Which itself is but one of the components of the universe.

This being the display of Forceful Hand of ‘ELAH’ – the sole possessor of energy.

‘Force’ is not the property of matter or space but is an Attribute of ALLAH. Neither “Force” is something apart from ALLAH. Nor it is divisible so that a portion or part of it may be assigned to anyone of us.

The creation is not weak but is absolutely without power (force). No one apart from ALLAH is the doer of any action in whatever degree it might be. The Holy Qur’an bears a strong testimony to the aforementioned fact, as follows:

“Say: All things are from ALLAH. But what has come to these people, that they fail to understand a single fact?

Whatever good, (O man!) happens to you, is from ALLAH, but whatever evil happens to you, is from yourself and We have sent you as a Messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is ALLAH for a witness.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Nisa-78-79

No Action Without Force

That is why, no action can take place without the application of force. Anybody, willing to do good action, achieves it with the Force of ALLAH for which he ought to be thankful to Him.

On the other hand, the desirous of a bad and evil (deed) has the sanction of the Habit and Promise of ALLAH not to withhold Force and Energy from him is rather no doubt a bounty from Him.

Here one thing must be noted most cautiously that the desirous is definitely responsible for the penalty to be inflicted upon him for the misdeed for he himself longed for it vehemently.

He must blame his “self” for it. Before long the action takes place, your conscience (the advice of angels) has for bade you but in vain.

Neither the explicit instruction of the Holy Qur’an nor the sincere advise of your friends and relatives prevent you to do it.

Your rigorous and persistent demand availed the force of ALLAH as you wished eagerly and became able to perform it.

So, now do not blame ALLAH for your misdeed. Because ALLAH never willed to do so. Rather on the contrary,

He has informed you intuitively and inwardly by all possible means at your disposal.

While you have turned a deaf ear to it. Nothing proved effective and as a result He did not like to compel you so that your free choice should absolutely remain under no constraint and pressure fully liable for your adjunct activities.

To shoulder the responsibility of your deeds, you must enjoy a free will and let there should be no compulsion from your ‘Rabb’ to forbade you.

Putting Human Beings on Single Track

ALLAH never willed to put all the human beings on a single track, because the purpose of the creation of Adam be fulfilled accordingly.

It is obligatory on the human beings to adopt the way as he wished but never by the compulsion of His Decree, blocking your free self and opinion. In order to exercise
this force will and choice, there must be multiplicity of choices to arrive at correct selection.

So that the human beings may adopt the way freely without the least dent of compulsion. Apart from the upright path leading directly to ALLAH, there must be multifarious ways to make the selection possible. Satan has been created for this very purpose.

He adores such diverse paths and invites us at his utmost to adopt it. Satan cannot compel us because he is devoid of force.

He invites us to evils, but the required force (power) for the performance is beyond his reach.

We (the human beings) can only select one among the variety and diversity but cannot act on it because we are devoid of force too. Thus, its fulfillment is by ALLAH and ALLAH alone.


Satan (the devil) confesses it himself that he had no power to subdue us, rather we unknowingly have assigned him the power to do so. Polytheism.

Beware of it, because it is undoubtedly the act of partnership (polytheism) with Him. On the Day of Judgment, Satan will invariably deny this notion in the
narration of the Holy Qur’an.

And Satan will say when the matter is decided, “It was ALLAH Who gave you promise of truth. I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you I had no authority over you except to call you, but you listened to me, then reproach me not, but reproach your won selves (Nufus), I cannot listen to your cries, nor can you listen mine. I reject your former act in associating me with ALLAH. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous chastisement.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ibrahim-22

Though the (Satan) fears ALLAH but that is on account of the revenge of Adam that he tries his best to betray you.

He is revengeful of you and strives hard to lead you astray. Otherwise, he has such a firm faith in ALLAH from which most of the believers seem to be deprived.

He used to swear often in the respect, honor and reverence of ALLAH. Because Satan knows that all honor is with ALLAH) (An-Nisa-139) and he refrains to invite the true believers.

(Iblis) said, “Then by you Power, I will lead them all astray. Except, your servants amongst them, sincere and purified.”

Verses from Holy Qur’an Sad – 82-83

Satan looks upon ALLAH as a sustainer and knows best that without His Decree he can do nothing. He besieges before ALLAH to lead you astray and solicit Him too eagerly.

(Iblis) said, “O my ‘Rabb’ give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised (ALLAH) said; Respite is granted you.”

Verses from Holy Qur’an Al-Hajr – 36-37

He continued to say,

(Iblies) said, “O my ‘Rabb’! You have put me in the wrong. I will make (wrong) fair- seeming to them on the earth, and I will put them all in the wrong, except your chosen servants among them.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Hajr-39-40

Actually, we transgressed far beyond Satan, because he fears ALLAH till the Day of Resurrection.

It is pride and sense of superiority which blocked his way to bow before ALLAH.

Even then he fears Him. On the other hand, multitude of us disobey Him day in and day out and feels no fear at all. ALLAH Himself asserts thus:

Like Satan when he says to man, “Disbelieve” (be ungrateful) but when he be ungrateful, Satan says, “I am free of you. I do fear ALLAH, the (Rabb) of the Worlds.”

Verses from Holy Qur’an Al-Hashr-16

The Holy Qur’an testifies that Satan invites you to commit sin, be ungrateful, tries his best to fall you into a trap, suggests false notions and entreats him to blaspheme, but do remember he has no power to compel you to commit wrong or to utter even a word with his leave.

This may appear astonishing but be mindful he (Satan) is powerless.

For the performance of a deed ALLAH provides power (if He wills so). Because, He says-

“We shall leave him in the path he has chosen.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Nisa-115

Thus, He granted us a free will and choice to select what we wish or desire most. On the contrary,

if He compels us on the right path, our will be the life of the common herd under the control of a herdsman.

If anyone deviates from the right path must be turned to the right way with a stick or a dog.

Those who consider Satan powerful act to assign “partner” to ALLAH, rather I may say the one most powerful. ALLAH likes to lead the humanity to paradise, but Satan wishes to lead them to hell.

If it is a battle of power, the everyday observation testifies. (ALLAH may forbade) in the favour of Satan,

Satan Dose Not Possess any Power.

Certainly, it is not so Satan possess no power and ALLAH does not like to compel anyone to follow the right-path.

Because this being the greatest honor ever bestowed (i.e., freedom of will, wish, selection and decision) upon human beings.

Neither Satan nor Human beings possess any power.

ALLAH is the doer of deeds whom we constantly (without succession) entreat for power.

We (the ‘self’ of a human being) wish bad or good, if ALLAH wills, He provides us the power to do it. Remember, power is never at our disposal.

But ALLAH has created you and your handiwork.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Saffat-96

ALLAH and only ALLAH is the direct creator of our deeds and handiwork.

He it is Who makes us laugh, weep, feed, nourish, sleep, awake, rich, poor, respect, disrespect, life and death.

All these acts are due to energy and “Energy” –being ability to do work, no doubt, belongs to Him alone.

There is no ‘ELAH’ apart from Him.

“How can you reject the faith in ALLAH? Seeing that you were without life, and He gave you life; then will He cause you to die,
and will again bring you to life; and again, to Him will you return.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Baqarah-28

That is He Who grant laughter and tears. That it is He Who grant eath and life. That He do create the pairs-male and female. From a
sperm drop when lodged (in its place.) That He has promised a second creation (raising of the Dead); that it is He Who give wealth and satisfaction. That is the ‘Rabb’ of Shehra. And that it is He Who destroyed the (Powerful) ancient Ad (People). And the Thamud. He lifts no trace of them.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Najm-43-51

(Ibrahim said to his people) The Lord and Cherisher of the world, Who created me, and it is He Who guides me; Who gives me food and drink, and when I am ill, it is He Who cures me, Who will cause me to die, and then to live (again); and Who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Judgment.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Ash-Shu’araa-78-82

He it is Who gave you life, will cause you to die, and will again give you life, truly man is a most ungrateful creature.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Hajj-66

Nor can a ‘self’ die except by ALLAH’s leave, the term being fixed as by writing.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-i-Imran-145

There is not a moving creature, but He has grasp of its forelock.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Hud-56

He it is who cause the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and sprout. He causes the living to issue from the dead. And He is the One to cause the dead to issue from the living. That is ALLAH; then how are you deluded away.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-An’am-95

Nothing Can be Brought into Motion.

The thrower of a thing is ALLAH, because nothing can be brought into motion without the application of force and do remember “FORCE” belongs to ALLAH and ALLAH alone.

Whatsoever thrown was not thrown by anyone except ALLAH.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Anfal-17

We stand in need of energy to slay someone; therefore, it is the act of ALLAH, because no one has energy at his disposal. Proof of the Forceful (Al-Qawee)

It is rather something quite in contrast that sometime this act of slaying is with the leave of ALLAH.

ALLAH Himself decrees such act of murder and ALLAH bestows a number of rewards on him (i.e. on the murderer).

ALLAH assigns a dignified post for him and he is called “Majahid”- one who strives hard in the way of ALLAH.

Sometimes the intention of act of murder is not from ALLAH. For example, the intention of Qabeel to kill Habeel.

A human being is free in wish, selection and decision. To materialize all these three, he without any ambiguity stands in need of Force or Energy let me state in unequivocal and invariable term that ALLAH provides Force or Energy for the fulfillment of all deeds, because there is no other ‘ELAH’ in the universe. We the needy creatures beg ALLAH intuitively and unknowingly for each and every act we wish to achieve.

It is just like the air we inhale every moment without the slightest realization of it. A murderer commits murder in the same state.

That is why, ALLAH declares it plainly. was not from ALLAH. ALLAH’s anger and wrath falls on such a murderer and ALLAH declares the permanent abode of hell for him.

It is not you who slew them; it was ALLAH.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Anfal-17

It’s Allah Who

He it is Who blows the air, carries cloud-layer upon layer upward and descends rain from amongst it.

Causes electricity and flash and then shed rainfall wherever he likes and brings the dead earth to life.

Bring forth vegetation of numerous verities, colors, tastes and odors.

Not to speak of human beings, even the angels have no part in these activities and performances.

The fountain and reservoirs of Energy (as stated throughout) is invariably rests in Him and Him alone.

Living and non-living things vegetation and animals flourish with Energy- belonging to ALLAH- as there is no other ‘ELAH’ in this boundless cosmos.

Explained by the Holy Qur’an the Forceful (Al-Qawee)

It is He Who sends the winds like heralds of glad tidings, going before His mercy; when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds,
We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith. Thus, shall We raise up the dead; perchance you may remember.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-A’raf-57

He and only He it is to establish and maintain Truth (HAQ) and abolish falsehood (BATIL). (This is also evidence that The Forceful (Al-Qawee) is ALLAH)

ALLAH willed to establish the Truth according to His words and to cut off the roots of the unbelievers. That He might establish and
prove Falsehood false, distasteful though it be to those in guilt.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Anfal-7-9)

It is ALLAH Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light, and measured out stages for it that you might know the number of years and the count (of time). Nowise did ALLAH create this but in truth and righteousness. Thus, do He explain His signs in detail, for those who know!

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yunus-5

And ALLAH by His Words do prove and establish the Truth, however much the sinner may hate it.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yunus-82

Commands Belongs to ALLAH

Commands belong to Him, and no one has the say in it. (It means that The Forceful (Al-Qawee) is only ALLAH)

“Says! Indeed, Command belongs to ALLAH.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-Imran-154

“To ALLAH belongs all that is in the heavens and earth’ To ALLAH do all matters (work, deeds, energy) return.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Al-i-Imran-109

“For the Command (Decision) of ALLAH must be carried out.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Nisa-47

“Say; all things are from ALLAH. But what have come to these people that they fail to understand a single fact?”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an An-Nisa-78

(Shu’aib) My ability (the ability to do work) can only come from ALLAH. In Him I trust, and unto Him I turn.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Hud-88

(Shu’aib) said. Verily my ‘Rabb’ encompass all that you do.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Hud-92

“Verily your ‘Rabb’ do what He wills.”

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Hud-07

To ALLAH do belong the unseen (Secrets) of the heavens and the earth, and to Him go back every command. So serve Him, and put
your trust in Him and your ‘Rabb’ is not unmindful of ought you do.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Hud-31

And who it is that rules and regulates all affairs? They will soon say, “ALLAH”, say “will you not then show piety (to Him).

Verses from the Holy Qur’an Yunus-31


By now, we have arrived at a conclusion that in fact power (force) belongs to ALLAH (The Forceful (Al-Qawee)), He is powerful and no one else in the universe has any type of power at all. All of us are powerless.

It is His power which we avail without succession till the last moment of life i.e., the worldly span of time over the surface of the earth.

Attributing one’s self or any other entity powerful or forceful is equivalent to partnership (polytheism) with ALLAH.

The notion push us a long way from the straight path leading directly to ALLAH. For the believers in the true sense of the word,

It becomes obligatory to keep into consideration at every moment in whatsoever condition we may be – walling, speaking, laughing, weeping, awaking, sleeping etc. that ALLAH, the Almighty is sustaining and supporting us with his Power of Force each and every moment, no doubt, without succession.

What is required is to keep one’s self aware of this “STATE” so that we live in it, just as a fish is living in the water.

Remember! ALLAH has not bestowed upon us any of His Attributes – as is commonly supposed – but in fact we avail it throughout our lives just we inhale the ‘Air’ without the slightest sensation of it.

Succession in inhalation means the death of a person. Let strive hard to know the reality yourselves.

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