The Final Message

Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah

Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah

We shall have to refer to the often rending of the mystics (Sufis) in order to enhance the aforementioned statement the mystical quotation is: Only those can attain the status of “Baqa Billah” who had already passed through “Fana Fillah”

i.e. are completely immersed in the Attributes of ALLAH. In case it being true, even then half of it seems to be true and meaningful.

As for “Baqa” all the human beings will attain it. Even the unbelievers are not an exception, but in that portion of the Attributes whose manifestation is the burning fire of the Hell.

The fire of Hell is also the manifestation of one of the Attributes- “AL-Qahar”. Therefore, this might be meaningful, if they used to say that actually those who have attained perpetual life under the siege of Attributes of love, gratitude and sympathy are really deserved one, the rest in Hell cannot be termed likely.

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Sometimes, it is also said that it is just like a drop of water mixing in an ocean. The ‘self’ of a man vanishes away (ALLAH forbade) in the ‘self’ of ALLAH. This or other such examples used to describe a unique and particular state or one’s feeling of the inner-self are invariably not correct. It is a case of serious consideration for those who like to be familiar with such experiments and observations.

Drop of water (Human being) and ocean (ALLAH) if in ordinary circumstances drop of water is out of ocean and after “Fana” in the ocean, then it will mean that creation is a part or component of ALLAH – (ALLAH forbade). Finally, the component mixed with the unit. This is polytheism of high degree, beyond the realm of description. ALLAH is absolutely free from such rendering and meaningless assertions. Mixing or coming out of it is unimaginable. It is an extreme case of
blasphemy. The Holy Qur’an states.

Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him, truly
is man clearly unthankful.

Verses from the Holy Qur’an (Al-Zukhruf-15)

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