The Final Message


The Creator is Opposite to the Creation

The Creator is Opposite to the Creation, in short means that the creator. It means ALLAH the Creator is opposite to the creation i.e. the Universe HE created. This includes human being also. In short HE is the force and rest every thing is forceless. In fact the creation is invariably never a part of...


Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah

Fana Fillah & Baqa Billah We shall have to refer to the often rending of the mystics (Sufis) in order to enhance the aforementioned statement the mystical quotation is: Only those can attain the status of “Baqa Billah” who had already passed through “Fana Fillah” i.e. are completely immersed in the Attributes of ALLAH. In...


Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer

For the sake of simplicity that Ar-Rabb – The Sustainer. It will be easy to define it as administrator or executor or Sustainer. The intensive study of the Holy Qur’an brings forth the attribute ‘ELAH’ of ALLAH in the forefront. Because He only has the ability to do work. He has done the work and...

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