The Final Message

La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah

Easily Understandable Part of Kalima

Easily Understandable Part of Kalima

La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah
La Elha ElAllah, The Meaning of Elah

This is the Kalima i.e. “La Elha ElAllah” there is no God except Allah. There is an Easy Understandable Part of Kalima. In this part we will discuss this easy part of the Kalima. Starting from the Newton’s first law of motion.

Newton’s first law of motion consists of two parts:

Newton’s first law of motion; divided into two parts

1. A body at rest remains in rest and

2. a body in uniform motion keeps its motion in a straight line unless compelled by some external force to act otherwise.

It is easy to know the first part. But in order to understand the second part, one must strive hard to expose those hidden forces. Which obstructs motion.

In the same analogy, the “Kalima” (There is no ‘ELAH’ save ALLAH) consists of two inseparable parts.

First-ALLAH is ‘ELAH’, of course, easy to know And second, “There is no ‘ELAH’ save ALLAH” is almost impossible to know it without consulting the Book of ALLAH i.e., the Holy Qur’an.

Moreover, in its light one will have to ponder over the creation of the universe and its observed consistency at work. In brief, we may conclude that no one has the ability to do work, apart from Him.

There cannot be another source of Energy besides Him. Otherwise; the consistency and uniformity of the universal tendencies, reactions, and realities should not have been witnessed.

Attributing The Energy to any Component

Therefore attributing the energy to any component of the universe is a totally false assumption.

Just as He exists by Himself all alone and no one could share His Self. Same is the case with His Attributes. We, the human beings, possess certain instruments or equipment (parts of body). Helping us to avail His Attributes (without succession) as He likes or decrees.

For example, we see with our eyes, because His Vision is at disposal to help us. So, to say, ALLAH is Al-Baseer (Possessor of Vision or Sight). He is without eyes and our eyes act as an instrument for His vision. Vision like air is available whenever and wherever we stand in need of it.

Similarly, Hearing, Force, rest of His Attributes present in the universe makes the creation functioning every instant (of course without succession).

In short, ALLAH is continuously and successively displaying His Attributes which in turn generate all sorts of activity the result of which in all that exists in the universe.

We enjoy hearing (His Attributes) with the help of ears. We are not hearer, And He does not stand in need of ears to listen. Brain acts likewise to think, on account of His Attributes – Thinker.

Allah is the Force

He has Force, our hands, feet and other parts of body come into motion on account of His Force at work. We have no Force and He exercises it without any material means.

To conclude, ears are ours and Hearing is from ALLAH. Eyes belong to us and Sight is from Him(Allah). Same is the case with brain and other parts of body.

In other words, we hear, see, think and exercise force with Him. Without Him, we are like a dead body deprived of sight, hearing, thinking and movement.

If He breaks His contact of sight with the occupants of the earth. All living beings will become blind instantly, deprived of sight to see anything. Same is the cases with hearing, movements, etc. and so on.

His Attributes are encompassing; the space just as earth is enveloped by air and we avail them whenever and wherever we stand in need of them.

If we proceed on the same analogy, we come to the conclusion that this universe exists as a result of the manifestation of the Attributes of ALLAH. We exist on account of it. Without such a manifestation neither we (human beings) nor the universe exists.

This material universe is the manifestation of His Attributes. Matter. Which we perceive with five senses, is nothing but an illusion like mirage in a desert. Its apparent existence is, no doubt, on account of ALLAH and His Attributes.

To understand the phenomena, ponder over the following example too deeply.

Fast revolve a burning ball, tied to one end of a string.

It creates a red circle on account of persistence of vision. The apparent existence of this circle is actually an illusion. No wonder, a student of science knows how much astonishing role this apparent illusion plays in the unique and beautiful appearance of the vast universe to us. So, we may say, it is a blessing in disguise.

The image of the burning ball on each point of the circumference of a circle remains on the retina of the eye for 1/10 of a second. Therefore, it brings the circle in existence. Though the ball itself occupies a single position instantaneously on its orbit. (The universe we live in is related to the Attributes of ALLAH just as the circle is to the burning ball in motion).

1. No doubt, the circle is there. We know that its existence is nothing, but illusion. Same is the case with the universe in respect to the Attributes of ALLAH. ALLAH asserts Himself,

That is because ALLAH is the Truth and because whatever else they invoke besides Him is falsehood, and because ALLAH, He is the Most High, Most Great.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Luqman-30)

That is because ALLAH – He is the Reality, and those besides Him whom they invoke, they are but vain falsehood. Verify ALLAH is He, Most High, Most Great.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Hajj-62)

2. The burning ball is there, whether the circle exists or does not exist. Similarly, in the absence of the universe, ALLAH along with His Attributes exists eternally.

3. The apparent appearance of the circle is subject to the existence of the burning ball.

Similarly, the universe cannot exist without ALLAH and His Attributes.

4. Even in the presence of the circle, the burning ball exists as an independent entity.

Continued Easily Understandable Part of Kalima

Similarly His Attributes are independent though the universe is there with full bloom.

That is to say the creation of the universe is not possible without the manifestation of His Attributes but He Himself along with His Attributes does not depend upon the universe or any material or non-material object.

ALLAH created the heavens and the earth in truth: verily in that is a sign for those who believe.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Ankabut-44)

Only the believers know how the creation of the heavens and the earth take place in Truth?

The non-believers start beating about the bush in the preliminary stage of the creation.

Do they not reflect in their own selves? Not but in Truth and for a term appointed, did ALLAH create the heavens and the earth, and all between them: yet are there truly many among men who deny the meeting with their ‘Rabb’.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ar-Rum-8)

He created the heavens and the earth in Truth. He makes the night overlap the day, and the day overlap the night. He has subjected the sun and the moon, each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power, He who forgives again and again?

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Az-Zumar-5)

We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them merely is sport. We created them not save with Truth, but most of them do not know.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ad-Dukhan-38-39)

While playing usually children amuse themselves by fast revolving a burning ball to produce red circles. (ALLAH forbade), the creation itself is never a source of amusement or enjoyment, rather it had brought into being for a definite purpose or goal to achieve. The verse 21/16 refers to the above mentioned clarification.

“Not for sport did We create the heavens and the earth and all that is between.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Anbiyaa-16)

See you not that ALLAH created the heavens and the earth in Truth? If He so will, He can remove you and put (in your place) a new creation?

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Ibrahim-19)

He has created the heavens and the earth with truth far is He above having the partners they ascribe to Him!

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (An-Nuhl-3)

Only ALLAH is the Truth and the rest falsehood.

Moreover, ALLAH does not depend upon the creation. This being evident from His Attributes “As-Sumad” It means that ALLAH does not depend upon anything for His Existence, Survival and Stability.

He is not needy and He does not stand in need of a support. Moreover, the Holy Qur’an asserts a number of times that:

“ALLAH is free of all needs from all creation.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Ankabut-6)

He does not depend on the creation or universe. Rather the existence of the creation is invariably due to His Attributes. ALLAH, Himself is free of all needs from all creation.

1. If the motion of the burning ball comes to rest, the circle will disappear i.e. the existence of the circle will come to an end. In the same way, if there is no manifestation of the Attributes of ALLAH, the universe cease to exist i.e. it will no longer be there and the word nothingness by now is applicable to the present universe.

2. The relation which the burning ball has to motion, His Attributes has the same relation to the Decree of ALLAH which is responsible for the generation of all sorts of activities exhibiting the universe.

3. The red color of the circle is due to the redness of the burning ball. If the ball cease to burn, it will not look red. As a result the redness of the circle will disappear.

Its not the Easily Understandable Part of the Kalima

Similarly, if ALLAH does not want to exhibit anyone of His Attributes, its exercise in the universe will no longer be there, for example, if ALLAH withholds

His Attributes “Seer”, the universe will be devoid of “Vision” i.e. no one will be able to see anything. Same is the case with the rest of His Attributes.

4. If we tell a child that the appearance of the circle is just an illusion. Actually, there is no circle at all. He, on account of his ignorance will consider the enquirer insane or blind.

Human Beings Do Not Seem to Consider This

Same is the case with humanity. The human beings do not seem to consider this material world non-existent or having no body.

The usual reference and consideration of stupidity, abnormality and foolishness towards Prophets, Messengers and saints is most often due to such misconception and unawareness of the facts.

The above illustration stands in need of further explanation of certain factors without which if understanding is not impossible, is invariably extremely difficult to follow. Whosoever has tried honestly, keeping into consideration the most coveted and promised wording of ALLAH, never failed to achieve the goal.

And those who strive in Our (Cause), We will certainly guide them to Our Paths: for verily ALLAH is with those who do right.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Ankabut-69)

Be sure! The redness of the circle has reduced nothing from the redness of the burning ball.

The universe – being the manifestation of His Attributes – reduced nothing from them.

Those who had strived hard discovered the “Reality”. They felt it too deeply.

This being “a state of realization” is impossible to be expressed in words. Such an attempt has always been wrongly interpreted.

This is “Hal3” being impossible to be converted into “Qal4 Reasoning knowledge is within the realm of speech and writing. This is within the reach of human wisdom. Educational institutions impart this type of knowledge.

A person who has never seen a “Rocket” can easily be taught with various means of education to understand its structure, function and other details; without looking at the rocket.

This, the present-day knowledge has made great strides in the twentieth century. This is closely related to wisdom and wisdom is no doubt finite. That is why; it cannot grasp the notion of infinity.

No doubt, it can say that ALLAH is there, but it can never understand how ALLAH exists and what are His Attributes. This is something beyond the realm of this knowledge.

On the Contrary:

Instinctive knowledge cannot expressed in speech and writing. For example, a blind person cannot differentiate between red and green colors. Not to speak of differentiation, he cannot even visualize what a color is?

Why? Because color being a “STATE”, could not be visualized without observation. Even, if observed can never be expressed in wording i.e., in speech and writing.

Same is the case with sweetness. If a person has never tested a sweet thing, he cannot be taught by any means what sweetness is?

Though all the scholars, philosophers and scientists of the day try their best to do so.

To conclude, this branch of knowledge can be named-the “Knowledge of states”. The failure of all the human beings and Jinn to teach ‘sweetness’ could easily be resolved by a layman, if he”.

There is a sharp distinction between “Qali” and “Hali” knowledge (Note: Hal, Qal, Qali, and Hali words have been retained in original).

‘Qal’ is Reasoning knowledge and ‘Hal’ is Instinctive Knowledge. allows the person in question to taste a sweet thing in his possession.

The riddle is solved instantly; when he has tasted the sweet.

Understanding & Recognizing Allah & His Attributes

To understand and recognize ALLAH and His Attributes is closely related to the above-mentioned branch of knowledge, completely ignored at present.

The means for state of colors are eyes; and state of taste is tongue. Similarly the realization of ALLAH and His Attributes is perceived by heart.

The majority of the human beings are indifferent towards this type of knowledge and are busily engaged with the knowledge gained by human brain.

That is why reasoning knowledge is on progress and the knowledge of the state is on decline. It is blessing of ALLAH that His recognition is not related with the complex formulae of reasoning knowledge, otherwise, we (the layman would always remained quite ignorant of it).

No doubt, this is bestowal from ALLAH. On the other hand, each period must have witnessed a number of scholars, scientists and philosophers as the nearest ones (to ALLAH) (Muqurabeen).

If the names of ALLAH (Asma-ul-Hussana) taught to Adam meant the present scientific knowledge as it is being rampant now-a-days.

Then with the progress of it the foremost (nearest to ALLAH) would have been on increase enormously and today Russia, America, China, Japan, Germany, France and Britain were supposed to be among the foremost.

But the testimony of ALLAH and as well as the observation of the day opposes it. With the passage of time the number of the foremost (muqurabeen ) is evidently decreasing.

Coming to the point, ALLAH in the shape of Prophets, Messengers and saints assigned such persons a task (duty) to covey His message to the owner of sound hearts.

Those who pay heed to them became aware of His Attributes and began to follow the way of (Him), Exalted in Power, praiseworthy.

It is rather astonishing that those who were looked upon as degraded, foolish and laymen accepted the message whole – heartedly and are counted amongst the torch – bearer to convey the message forward.

When it is said to them: “Believe as the others believe”, they say, “Shall we believe as the fools believe?” Nay, of a surety they are the fools, but they do not know.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Baqarah-13)

There is no need to recognize the genius, intellectuals and intelligentsia of ALLAH. But those who have sound heart can understand and accept the message.

The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for ALLAH bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Baqarah-212)

The leaders of his people said, “Ah! We see you in evident error.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-A’raf-60)

The leader of the unbelievers among his people said: “We see (in) you nothing but a man like ourselves; nor do we see that any follow you but the meanest among us, apparently nor do we see in you (all) any merit above us; in fact we think you are liars!”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Hud-27)

Such persons boast of their knowledge and look with contempt on those poor fellows who are on the right path and never like to accompany them.

The deprived themselves to follow the right path.

On the contrary, those with sound and whole heart joined their company and stepped on the right path.

Scholars, mathematicians and scientists proud of their reasoning and whimsical knowledge always turned a deaf ear to the knowledge of ‘state’ and thus trodden on the wrong path leading to their austerity and stubbornness.

Recitation of Holy Quran in English Only

Please click on RECITATION OF HOLY QURAN IN ENGLISH to listen the translation of Holy Quran in English only

The leaders of the arrogant party among his people said to those who were reckoned powerless-those among them who believed, “Know you indeed that Salih is a messenger from His ‘Rabb’?” they said, “We do indeed believe in the revelation which has been sent through him.”

The arrogant party said, “For our part, we reject what you believe in.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-A’raf-75-76)

And the chiefs of the unbelievers among Lot’s people answered him thus:

And his people gave no answer but this: they said, “Drive them out of your city; these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-A’raf-82)

And the arrogant among the people of Shu’aib replied him in these words: The leaders, the arrogant party among his people said: “O Shu’aib! We shall certainly drive you out of our city- (you) and those who believe with you, or else you (you and they) shall have to return to our religion.” He said, “What! Even though we do detest (them)?”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-A’raf-88)

The leaders, the unbelievers among his people, said, “If you follow Shu’aib ( ), be sure then you are ruined.”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-A’raf-90)

History is a witness to the stubbornness and stupidity of Nimrod, Haman, Pharaoh, Shad Dad, Qarun, Abu-Lahab and Abu-Jahal whose pride blocked their way to bow before reality.

Who does not like the luxuries of this world? Who is there not to avail a delicious meal instead of dry bread?

The availability of ‘sofa’ instead of a mate is really a bounty of ALLAH.

Similarly, to enjoy a journey in a car or flight in an aeroplane is, no doubt, a beautiful gift of ALLAH, particularly, to one who used to travel on foot.

To be a part of mankind do not mean mere consumption of the so called transitory provisions at disposal, spending luxurious life, enjoying radio, T,V/V,C,R, traveling by car or an aero plane,

Matrimonial relation for the reproduction of off-spring, etc. In the same way, to gain knowledge of the never changing Habits of ALLAH-knowing laws of nature in today’s terminology- in order to reveal the secrets of the universe and utilize its material and non-material objects for the benefit of the humanity is, no doubt,

His great bounty and mercy. That is why, the Holy Qur’an asserts unequivocally.

The most beautiful names belong to ALLAH; So call on Him by them; but shun such men as distort His names, for what they do, they will soon be required.

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-A’raf-180)

The goal is rather the familiarization with His Attributes – know the Exalted and Praiseworthy Way,

(i.e. you should also surrender to serve (worship) Him and this being the sole right path to follow.

To strive hard to exit from the darkness in order to come into light is the preparatory attempt to clean one’s self and to pave the way to hereafter so that we should not remain blind, deaf and dumb after death.

This unique and singular way is not to follow by Socrates, Plato, Newton, Einstein, Lenin and Hitler. Because the way leading to heaven is completely devoid of worldly great scholars, philosophers and scientists, because they do not follow the symptoms, signs and necessary conditions of the way ending at Heavens.

The symbols of the right path is to come in close contact with Revelation, Angels, Messengers, Revealed Books and strong belief in accountability after death, finally leading to eternal life in the hereafter.

This being the way of Abraham, Isamil, Musa, Essa and finally Muhammad. The same way followed by Ali, Zain-ul-Aabidin, Jaffar and Imam Ghazali, including rest of the companions of the Holy Prophet. This way broadens even after death. The follower feels one’s self in close contact with

ALLAH and hear the call every instant:

“But prostrate in adorations, and bring yourself the closer (to ALLAH).”

Verses From the Holy Qur’an (Al-Alaq-19)

(Note: Being the verse of prostration, the Muslims must prostrate to recite it).

His Attributes are exposed; liking prevails, and one proceeds forward toward ever longing destination but could stop nowhere. Being a continuous process, it is never-ending.

This topic “The Easily Understandable Part of Kalima” is one of many topics on Kalima, Allah, There is no Elah except Allah etc.

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